Have Your Yard Reshaped By New York Landscape Art Studio

By Sarah Morgan

Humans have always been aghast with the wonders of nature. Looking up at the skies above, it yearns to go far beyond the stars. On the surface of the earth it gazes in amazement at the creatures and plant life. What the human eye sees and the brain perceives it wants to replicate in impressions. Modern homes have large yards that surround it and what better way to emulate nature than to contract New York landscape art studio.

Dwellings were found in Europe inside mountain crags. These were home to early hominids that huddled together inside with family. This gave shelter and protection from inclement weather and predatory animals. The insides walls are home to earliest duplication of human activity in forms of stick figures doing a hunt and keeping warm around fire.

The performance of applying a skill to duplicate an event or a thing is often called art. It is made known in many manifestations. Painting and drawing were the earliest form of human attempt in capturing images. This found its ultimate expression in the works of great masters that live in the renaissance period in continental Europe.

Most dwellings in current setting are located in areas far from industrial and commercial zones where human activity is at its peak. The residential estate is a piece of land designated by government agency that rationalizes land use to real estate developers who employ large construction firms. The firms are the one who plan and develop the area for housing projects that will be made available to human occupants.

Early aesthetic replications mostly had the natural world as the main subject matter. As a planet creature, man always has affinity to the surroundings. Home decoration for the insides and the outside usually are influenced with what is seen in the wonderful environment. That is why we see home yards with Bermuda grass and flowering plants.

Landscaping has become more technological than natural as projects employ heavy equipment like bulldozers, mowers, chainsaws, and cement mixers. Plants are grown in planetariums and transplanted in proposed sites. Grass is planted during the right season to minimize the growth of unwanted weeds. Most landscapers use gravel, rocks, stones, and pebbles to accentuate the result.

Technology described as the art that involves science applications underlying an artificial device. The intent is for the good of society. The science encompasses the processes that include the use of known process, machine, or matter. It is the use of scientific knowledge for particular purpose, whether to do more science or to make a new product or to improve on it that impact s on human action.

Material in its broadest term is defined as anything that exists on earth. It is a substance or a mixture of it that constitutes a thing. It can be something that is impure or a mix of living or inanimate thing made by nature or man. It can either be physical or abstract. It can be classified based on physical and chemical properties, biological or geological.

Pollution in whatever form has negative effects on all living organisms including man. Adding wastes, especially chemicals to the water, land, and air increases the health risks of living things. Respiratory ailments in humans are often the result of pollution. Migrant birds become confused and end up in the wrong place. Caprice and vanity of the rich and famous have reduced the population of minks and sables.

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