Useful Tips For Eco Friendly Interior Design Charlotte NC

By Larry Myers

Mother earth is deserving of all the concern and care possible. Every single person on the planet must do their part to ensure natural resources do not dwindle. Eco friendly interior design Charlotte NC is a novel way for everyone to contribute a little bit for the greater good. It involves making efforts towards improving air quality and energy conservation. The efforts will positively impact both the environment and residents of the home.

The air quality cannot just be reliant on technology. How about going for a natural alternative? Plants make for great air purifiers. Not only do they keep things fresh but also clear out volatile organic compounds. Chemical based cleaning supplies give off formaldehyde and other VOCs. Aloe Vera is very useful against that. Even the dry cleaning brought home has some traces or pollutant. A Gerbera Daisy will help clear the air of the pollutant.

Imagine trying to sleep at night but cannot because the temperature outside is just too low. The heater is on full blast but still, one is chilled to the bone. For such situations, one is advised to use window films. These will insulate the house so to speak. It will ensure the house does not lose heat when it is cold outside. It will also ensure that when it is hot, the house will remain cool. One is advised to go for the UV window films. These will ensure property does not get sun damaged. One may also nap by the window without fear of waking up with vicious sunburns.

For the carpets and rugs use low VOC material. Anything from sisal to wool and organic cotton should work very well. These will ensure the air is not littered with pollutants and irritants. The market is also riddled with little or no VOC paint now. Make use of that in place of the regular stuff. It should also help to clean with natural products. Products that will not pollute the air.

Marble is a kind of stone that is kind to the environment. There are other types. One may also go for wood. These options make for wonderful flooring. If done right, they can appear better than the industrial tiles. The walls should also be covered in the afore-mentioned VOC scanty paint. If not so, one may look into the wallpaper. Wallpaper is especially wonderful for the simplicity and flexibility.

Energy is a resource that requires a lot of care and extreme conservation efforts. It is expensive and high-energy usage causes a massive carbon footprint. Therefore, use LED or compact fluorescent lighting. These are long-lasting. They also use far less energy than the alternative options. To top it off, there is no toxicity involved. As an additional effort, one may install skylights. One should also keep the shades open during the day so that natural light can flood in.

Dust mites are incredibly harmful. The best-case scenario is an allergic reaction. Worst case is inconceivable. To keep these away go for wool stuffing in the mattresses, pillows, carpets and even beddings.

Using reclaimed wood is another excellent way. Antiques are very in and it is a form of recycling. With environmental consciousness being such a huge concern now, there are many ways for one to make their own contributions to the efforts.

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