Laser Home Therapy For Arthritis Keeps Unfavorable Side Effects Of NSAIDs At Bay

By Brenda Hall

NSAID is short for non steroidal anti inflammatory drug. It is currently the most prescribed medication for alleviating joint pain and swelling as a result of arthritis. Although very effective, it is notorious for causing different side effects, a lot of which can be very unfavorable. This is the reason why many are looking for alternative methods of dealing with the symptoms, and it includes laser home therapy for arthritis.

The use of an FDA approved laser is scientifically proven to work effectively. What's even more amazing about it is it can work just as impressively as NSAIDs but without causing complications in the process. Needless to say, it is capable of putting an end to joint pain and swelling without replacing it with a different set of problems.

While really effective, the fact is it's not a good idea for you to take NSAIDs for several weeks. According to doctors, they should be taken for no more than 10 days at a time. If employed for long term use, it's very much likely for the side effects to intensify. In addition, extended intake of NSAIDs is known to come with serious health risks.

NSAIDs are notorious for causing heartburn, which is something that can cause the chest to feel like it's on fire. A lot of people mistake heartburn for a heart attack, and they cannot be blamed for such because both of them tend to feel similar. It goes without saying that someone who is suffering from acid reflux should stay away from the intake of NSAIDs as it will surely cause a nasty case of heartburn. However, taking them with meals can help in reducing heartburn.

Many of those who are taking NSAIDs usually complain of ringing or whistling in the ears. Doctors refer to such as tinnitus, and it can certainly prevent someone who is experiencing it to have a normal day. Especially when it strikes at bedtime, getting a good night's sleep can be quite difficult. It can actually exacerbate joint pain and swelling the next day as lack of sleep, according to scientists, can make body aches worse.

In the long run, your kidneys and liver may get damaged by long term intake of NSAIDs. The said organs are the ones that are designated to eliminate drug byproducts, and it's due to this why they are in grave danger. One day in the future they may fail to work properly, and all kinds of health problems may stem from it.

There various other unfavorable side effects of NSAIDs, and all of them can be dodged with the help of alternative solutions for arthritis. To date, there are so many options available for those who are bugged by joint pain and swelling but refuse to take NSAIDs just to attain much needed relief. One of those that can be carried out safely at home is something that entails the use of laser.

You are not going to have a hard time getting your hands on an at home laser device. Refrain from assuming that all of the ones you can find on the market are alike. The best one to purchase is FDA approved and is preferred by a lot of consumers.

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