Anti Inflammatory Drug Free Arthritis Relief Santa Cruz Experts Recommend

By Roger Campbell

Anti inflammatory drugs are the most commonly prescribed medications for people who are suffering from joint pain and swelling. Unfortunately, they are known to cause a wide variety of side effects and health risks. If you are looking for a drug free approach, keep on reading. Below you will come across some all natural arthritis relief Santa Cruz experts are highly recommending, many of which are surprisingly simple.

Maintain an ideal weight. Joints that support your body weight are at risk of becoming damaged and highly prone to inflammation and aching. This is exactly why you should eliminate excess pounds to attain a more ideal weight. You can be spared from encountering lots of unfavorable symptoms by saving your joints from unnecessary work.

Remain physically active. If you want to have a more ideal weight, make sure that you exercise regularly. Such also assists in maintaining joint flexibility, thus fending off stiffness. However, see to it that you avoid exercise types or physical activities that can leave your joints overused. Opt for the kinds that are easy on the joints. Some of those that doctors suggest are swimming, walking, bicycling, tai chi and yoga.

Apply hot or cold compress. Rather than swallow an anti inflammatory medication, simply rely on either a hot or cold compress for relief attainment without leaving your health at risk. If swelling is present, experts say that you should rely on a cold compress with the help of a pack of frozen vegetables or some ice cubes wrapped in a small towel. If no swelling is around, go ahead and give a hot compress a try for an all natural respite from pain.

Consume turmeric tea. One of the most potent anti inflammatory substances from nature is what's called capsaicin. You can found plenty of it in turmeric, a culinary spice commonly used in Middle Eastern and Asian cooking. You can turn it into tea by stirring a teaspoon of it in a cup of hot water. You may also add a few drops of water to turmeric until you come up with a paste. Apply it on the affected joint 2 to 3 times a day.

Include healthy fats to your everyday diet. Experts confirm that inflammation can be controlled naturally with omega 3 fatty acids. This is why you should regularly consume some of its top food sources. Nuts, seeds and all sorts of fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, salmon and trout are some of the finest examples.

Take certain types of herbs. Visiting the nearest herbal shop will let you come across a variety of options. The ones that are commonly recommended for joint aching and swelling are devil's claw, stinging nettle, ginkgo biloba and thunder god vine. However, make sure that you consult your doctor first about taking herbs especially if you have a medical condition.

Get massaged on a regular basis. Stiffness and swelling of the joints can be kept to a minimum via therapeutic massages, according to researches. Look for a massage therapist who is certified and also has lots of experience with taking good care of individuals with arthritis.

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