Facts About Spinal Decompression Culver City

By Bernardo Yount

When you are experiencing lasting pain at the back in addition to the symptoms that come with it, it could have disruptive effects. In such a case, a good treatment option is spinal decompression. The treatment comes in two forms, surgical and non-surgical. In considering Spinal Decompression Culver City residents ought to be versed with the benefits it comes with. The condition of an individual determines whether they will go for surgical or non-surgical.

Nonsurgical therapy is a form of motorized traction that comes in handy in relieving pain at the back. It is treatment that involves the spine being stretched gently to change force on it and its position. The changes ensure pressure is taken off the spinal disks. Disks are cushions that look like gels and are between spine bones. There will be creation of negative pressure at the disks, which is what causes the pain. If there are bulging disks, they will retract, which retracts pressure from the nerves. This ensures movement of oxygen and water is improved.

The nonsurgical option is used in treatment of various conditions. These include bulging disks, worn spinal joints and injured spinal nerve roots. The safety and effectiveness of this procedure is still largely under research. For the procedure, one is fully clothed. The doctor then lifts you with harnesses, one around the pelvis and another around the trunk. They operate the computer to customize treatment to your needs. The therapy takes about 45 minutes and several treatments are needed.

The number of treatments required range between 20 to 28 and are done over a period of about seven weeks. There are other treatments that might be required before or after therapy. For instance, there could be the need for electrical stimulation which is done to cause muscle contraction. One could also undergo an ultrasound which involves using sound waves for generation of heat to promote healing. Some people also need heat or cold therapies.

You will need to find out from a doctor whether you are a suitable candidate for treatment. It is treatment that is very suitable for pregnant women. Examples of people that should not consider using it are those with tumors, fractures, those with spinal metal implants and those with advanced osteoporosis.

There is a surgical option that is supposed to be a last resort. It is used to manage such conditions as spinal problems, bony growths and bulging disks. The surgical operation does relieve problems such as weakness, pain, numbness and tingling. The types of surgery include diskectomy, corpectomy and laminotomy. The surgery type chosen depends on condition of an individual. There are however side effects of surgery like blood clots, bleeding and infections.

It is important to understand the whole concept behind spinal decompression treatment. When pressure is released from the spine, there will be eradication of pain, weakness and numbness throughout the body. It is treatment that works perfectly for people in chronic pain because many conditions are traced back to problems with the spine.

There are different treatment phases for one to get the best results. After decompression is accomplished, what follows is rehabilitation. This will help to strengthen the back further.

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