Guide To Installing Artificial Turf Florida

By Paul Olson

Landscaping can significantly transform how a property looks. Whether you own a residential or commercial property, you need to invest in landscaping services. A well-manicured lawn is the most important component of any landscape, so you have to invest in either a synthetic or natural lawn. Artificial turf Florida residents should know, has a number of benefits.

Low maintenance is one of the main benefits of installing a synthetic lawn. The only thing that you need to do to maintain synthetic grass is to use a leaf blower to remove debris from surrounding trees. The best thing about it is that your lawn will look great throughout the year.

Most synthetic lawns come with an expected lifespan of around 15 years, but they can last well-over 20 years when properly installed and used. Most installers normally offer a warranty of around 8-10 years. Since natural lawns normally require renovation after 3-5 years, you will be able to recoup the cost of installing a synthetic lawn quickly due to reduced replacement and maintenance costs.

The cost of installing a synthetic lawn is several times higher than the cost of installing a natural grass lawn. However, grass lawns often require a lot of maintenance. Furthermore, renovation must be done every 3-5 years to ensure the lawn looks great throughout the year. These costs can add up and break even with the cost of installing an artificial lawn in just 6-7 years.

When installing artificial grass, the entire area where the grass will be installed must be prepared. Tree stumps, trees, rocks, natural grass and top soil must be removed. The ground is then compacted before pieces of crushed rocks are spread throughout the entire surface, compacted and smoothed to create a 4-inch base where the material will be installed. Once the turf has been laid on top of the base, stainless steel pins are used to secure it to the base.

The most experienced landscaping companies should always be given priority consideration because they are able to install great landscapes. Start by checking the number of years a landscaper has been in business as well as the number of landscaping jobs they have handled over the years. The most experienced contractors should be given priority consideration.

Installation costs usually depend on a variety of factors. For instance, the type of installer you choose will affect the cost. Ideally, you should give priority consideration to firms that quote the lowest costs for the project. However, you will need to confirm that the quote is inclusive of everything, including taxes and insurance premiums among other things.

Landscapers normally have a portfolio through which they showcase their skills and talents by displaying their best works. By going through the pictures included in the portfolio, you can easily identify the most competent landscape installer in the city. Ideally, you should shortlist all the firms that have managed to design landscapes that meet all your needs and expectations.

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