Candidacy For Tubal Reversal Surgery Louisiana

By Ruth Roberts

When you were younger, you may have decided that you were done having children and wanted to get your tubes tied. Now you are older, you realize that you should have waited because you actually want to add onto your family and possibly have another child or two in the next few years. Sterilization surgery is typically deemed as permanent. However, doctors can try to undo it with another procedure. As you prepare for tubal reversal surgery Louisiana residents like you might want to know what it takes to be prepared for the operation.

Before you decide if the procedure is right for you, you may want to think about how old you are and how old you might be once you have more children. Most women start to experience decreased natural fertility around the age of 40. Your doctor might advise you to avoid the operation if your age surpasses that natural cut-off or you will be older than 40 by the time you think you can conceive after the operation.

However, if you are under age 40, you might be approved as a patient as long as you meet other stringent criteria. Women under that age generally have better health than older ladies. Still, you can expect to be screened fully for underlying diseases that might impede your recovery or cause complications during the actual procedure itself.

Primarily, doctors look for illnesses like high blood pressure or heart disease in patients who want to undergo this type of surgery. High blood pressure and heart disease can cause excess bleeding and hemorrhaging. Patients with these illnesses likewise could suffer a heart attack or stroke while they are under sedation.

You also may be prevented from the process for diabetes, hemophilia, anemia, and other bleeding disorders. You have to be able to clot well after the surgery. Continued bleeding causes you to lose blood, suffer poor heart function, lowers your brain function, and jeopardizes your internal organs. Your skin might also die if the wounds do not heal properly. You may have to deal with those consequences rather than focus on having children.

If you are otherwise healthy but overweight, your doctor will likely tell you to diet and exercise to drop the pounds. The surgeon will refuse to cut through excess layers of fat. It will be too difficult to reach the Fallopian tubes inside of your abdomen. Your being overweight also puts you at risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or poor healing of the incisions.

If you are approved as a patient, you can expect to undergo laser or laparoscopic surgery. This type of procedure is generally minimally invasive and less painful that invasive methods. The entire operation lasts about an hour. You also may be allowed to go home the same day from the hospital as long as you do not show signs of allergic reactions or complications like bleeding.

A tubal ligation may not be the end of your fertility. You have a chance of adding onto your family with a successful reversal of the first tubal ligation. Even so, the process is invasive and requires you to be in good health. You will need to pass a physical examination and be clear of underlying factors that would cause poor healing, complications, or possibly death.

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