Fun And Simple Indoor Gardening Ideas To Add Some Green To Your Winter

By Laura Hall

Winter months can be long and depressing for dedicated gardeners. Some of them count the days until the ground is thawed, and they can begin to plant. There is an alternative to the long wait however. You can enjoy gardening all year round if you are a little creative and implement one of the many indoor gardening ideas out there. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a newcomer to the hobby you can have green and growing plants whatever the temperature.

Cooking with herbs is great way to add fresh, healthy ingredients to recipes, but especially during the winter, buying them at the supermarket can be cost prohibitive. A good alternative is to grow the herbs yourself by adding an herb wall to your kitchen or indoor porch. Big box stores offer simple, easy to hang shelves you can easily attach to a sunny wall.

There are great ways to repurpose old dressers and taking the drawers out and using them for planters is one of them. You can repaint or strip and varnish the old drawer, replacing the hardware if it suits you. A couple of holes need to be drilled into the bottom of the drawer so water can drain. Once that is done, plant some of your favorite flowers or start your plants from seeds. All it needs is a sunny spot and sturdy stand.

For those with limited space, hanging plants are a good idea. If you are already familiar with kokedamas, you know that these Japanese bonsais don't take up much room. The small plantings take root in moss and soil balls wrapped in complex string webs. Making your own might take some practice, but you will be glad you took the time when you see them hanging neatly in front of your kitchen window.

You don't have to have room for whole shelves or drawers full of plants to enjoy some greenery in your home. You can always repurpose an old glass teapot and turn it into a terrarium. This project will require small plants with shallow root systems. You will probably also want to include some plants will vivid color to create interest.

At one time or another most wine drinkers have wondered what they could do with their empty bottles instead of just throwing them out. It isn't hard to turn them into interesting planters. Cutting the bottles in half requires an inexpensive glass cutter. Sandpaper the cut edges and, once they are smooth, insert the top half of the bottle into the bottom half.

Gardeners interested in something a little more complicated could create a jungle planter suspended from the bathroom ceiling. A wooden box, fiberglass screen, chicken wire, and chain are the basic supplies needed. Once completed, your plants will thrive in the humid atmosphere. You can have your own personal rain forest right inside your house.

The winter months sometimes seem longer than they are. Bringing something green, living, and natural into your home is a great way to brighten up your home and mood. You won't have to wait for spring to enjoy planting your garden.

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