Understanding The Belt System For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Plano

By Virginia Mitchell

BJJ progression belts are highly regarded. This is because rank promotions do not come by easy and the practical requirements to move from one rank to another are tough. In this case, the belt system is challenging and strict. If you want more than to just to award yourself with a different belt, you have to do some serious heavy lifting. If you are interested in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Plano is an ideal place to begin research for the finest instructors.

The white belt is referred to as the empty cup. Beginners will often have this kind of belt and it allows them a period where they can figure out the basics and formulate plans on how to master the important concepts. You can consider Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a jigsaw puzzle that needs to be put together. It is at the white belt phase that you get to create the edges and borders.

The beginner stage is easy and your trainer will merely want you to master the basics of the art and this will gradually make your puzzle to come together. In order to thrive and learn, you need to put down your ego and work on getting in shape. It is important for your body to get prepped for the great demands of the training program.

The blue belt is the next belt you will earn and this is when you will focus on defense. Most students claim that nothing is more challenging that mastering how to pass the guard and unfortunately, most people get stuck once they get their blue belt. For you to get effectively prepped for your quests, it is necessary to consider fighting in competitions.

The respect of your peers and instructor will be more apparent once you have a purple belt around your waist. This would make it clear that you are an all rounded BJJ master. This phase of training will be focused on movements and momentum and you will learn how to redirect, use and generate momentum without wasting movements.

To progress from this point, you should go back to BJJ fundamentals. You also have to triumph over your weaknesses and be able to use a whole combination of moves. Your trainer will give you all the attention you need to thrive and finally earn a brown belt.

The brown belt will bring about a shift from defense to attack. During this stage of training, you will get the chance to forge your own style. The black belt is on the other hand all about transcending techniques, instinct and reflection once you are able to see everything with fresh eyes and get to refine and improve movements you have practiced a thousand times before, you will be ripe for the red belt.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training has numerous enticing benefits. For you to have an outstanding experience and get the chance to gradually enhance your skills, techniques and confidence levels, you need to find a qualified and seasoned instructor. The professional will keep you looking forward to showing up for each lesson.

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