For Good Lymphatic Drainage Austin Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Henry Olson

Lymphatic drainage is another name that is used to refer to lymphatic massage. It is a gentle, rhythmically performed massage treatment that is performed with the aim of stimulating the circulation of lymph fluid in the body. This process has to be done by a specially trained and experienced physiotherapist. The stimulation of the movement of lymph fluid in the body helps to speed up the process of removal of waste products in the body. When in need of Lymphatic drainage Austin should be visited.

The human body benefits in many different ways by the removal of waste products in the body. For instance, it prevents swelling and inflammation after one has undergone surgery or sustained injury. When there is less swelling at the site of injury, healing is promoted. According to some therapists, the immune system is boosted by the improvement in the circulation of lymph fluid

This process can help patients with a wide variety of medical conditions. Examples of these conditions include fluid retention that causes swelling in legs and arms, swelling post- and pre-surgery, breast cancer treatment, breast congestion, and, lyphoedema. Other conditions include cellulite fat accumulation, depression and anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, fibromyalgia, and recurrent infections like sinus, tonsillitis, flu, yeast infection, and colds.

The process takes different amounts of time based on the nature of the condition that is being treated. On average, the procedure takes between 30 and 90 minutes. The first session takes the longest time and the duration reduces with subsequent sessions. How one responds to treatment determines the time subsequent sessions will take. The doctor will give advice regarding this matter.

Before medical practitioners prescribe medication for a certain medical condition, they start by understand the condition itself first. Physiotherapists are not any different. The physiotherapist will ask several questions related to disease history and prior treatments. In case there are any medical documents for prior treatments and diagnoses, the physiotherapist will review them.

The entire process is usually performed on a massage table with the patient lying down. One will have to change position of lying down on the table. For instance, they may be required to face up, down, and to the side. One may need to remove all their clothes or have some clothes on depending on the part that is being treated. Towels are used to hide nudity.

The therapist uses light and rhythmic strokes on the area being treated. The process is not supposed to be painful in any way, and in case one feels pain, they should tell the therapist. Feeling pain is a sign that something is not right and the process should be stopped immediately. Massage oil is used optionally depending on the situation.

Once the massaging has been completed, one will have to wear compression garments depending on whether or not the physiotherapist finds it necessary. Before one leaves, they should be provided with tips for self-massage, skin brushing, exercises, and compression bandaging to improve drainage of lymph fluid when one is at home. In case there are any questions that one may have regarding the process, they are advised to ask them. Being as informed as possible is important.

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