Acupuncture Tucson Practitioners Provide For Managing Peripheral Neuropathy

By Ann Reynolds

Peripheral nerves are nerves that are situated outside of the central nervous system, which is comprised of the brain and spinal cord. Damage to them can be brought about by a number of things. Some very common examples of those include diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to toxic substances. In order to attain relief from pain and numbness associated with the problem, acupuncture Tucson experts offer may be sought.

Damage to the nerves situated in the extremities is referred to as peripheral neuropathy. It is something that causes a lot of pain, and that's why it can be a condition that's quite debilitating. Instead of severe pain, heaviness or numbness may also be experienced. There are cases in which the presence of pins and needles is the primary symptom.

There are medications that may be prescribed if you complain about nerve pain in your arms and legs. It's important to note that the symptoms are the only ones that medication intake can address, not the cause. Various side effects may come your way, too. Tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and abdominal pain are those that you are likely to encounter after popping a pill in your mouth.

So many different things could cause peripheral neuropathy to come into being. It is important to identify the causative factor so that the appropriate treatment course may be established and carried out. Failure to take the necessary actions right away could lead to the aggravation of the problem, causing a variety of complications to show up.

Health experts agree that the leading cause of this particular condition concerning the peripheral nerves is diabetes. Such can be blamed on the fact that the presence of excessive amounts of glucose in the blood is not favorable for the nerves. People who are suffering from diabetes often have peripheral neuropathy. This is most especially true if they are unable to properly manage their glucose levels.

Diabetes is bad for your blood vessels. Sooner or later, circulation to your extremities may end up compromised. Such can certainly harm the nerves located in your arms and legs. You may not be able to bounce back from the serious problem if the damage is regarded as extensive.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is another very common cause of damage to the nerves in the periphery. It's due to the fact that toxins present in alcohol are known to damage the nerves. Health authorities confirm that nerve damage resulting from alcoholism is permanent, although it is very much possible to slow down the condition's progression simply by quitting alcohol consumption without delay.

Regardless of the cause, acupuncture is known to be highly effective for dealing with the symptoms of nerve damage in the extremities. This all-natural solution is ideal for anyone who is being bugged by severe pain, heaviness, numbness or pins and needles. It's important to manage the symptoms very well as it can prevent having a productive day and also plenty of sleep at night.

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