Learning Of The Edgar Mitchell Alien Theories

By Henry Roberts

Thinking about being on top of the moon at this time, regardless of the number of people who have done it, still seem as though it is a venture that is impossible. Many people have made their way to the moon, but the one who is most spoken about is Edgar Mitchell. He was an astronaut who had the privilege of walking going to the moon. However, the one factor that he is known for is not his career but the fact he believed in aliens.

To begin with, most people so not believe that there is life outside earth; this was not the case with Ed. He believed that there were not only real but also that they had visited the earth. He publicly states that there was cover-up about this fact that was going on and the government was not telling people the truth about the matter.

Mitchell states the visit by the creatures that live on another planet has not only happened once, but he was aware of numerous occasions. He also claims the government is aware of these visitations but still continue to deceive people arguing that the only planet that has life is earth.

The incident of unidentified flying Objects according to Mitchel was otherworldly that did not belong to planet earth. Those who believe in the UFO saga are found following closely on what the astronaut has to say. This is owing to the facts that he has worked in NASA, and he is among the few people who have visited the moon. In addition to this, he is a holder of a M. S. Certificate of astronomy engineering.

Mitchell had claimed publicly he is 90% sure most of the undisclosed object that was flying in the year 1940 belonged to life that was found on other planets. His belief was so strong that in 1998 the astronaut called upon Washington D. C. So that he could acknowledge publicly that he knew about extra-terrestrial life. He claimed that there were witnesses that saw the events which took place at Roswell as well as other activities that the government was covering regarding alien.

The astronaut is not the only one who believes in there being life on other planets. In 1960, the chief in charge of Pentagon claims that alien was real and the Rome intelligence Organization who represents America was another person who has claimed the unidentified objects were from aliens.

What is fascinating about the theories by Mitchell is that the aliens have not only been to the U. S. But also other countries, and still the government of these countries has not told confirmed these happenings. Mitchell claims that he got this information first hand from officials of three other countries, thus claiming these events to be true.

One of the things that he says about life on the planet is that the creature who live there are far more innovative than us who live on planet earth, and if they were hostile, then the human race would not be able to survive.

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