The Best Methods To Warrant Aspiration Pneumonia Prevention

By Stephen Graham

As you eat, some food might not pass through the esophagus to the stomach, it goes down the bronchial tree into your lungs causing an inflammation known as aspiration pneumonia. This condition is dangerous and when neglected for long it might become life threatening. It reduces the gag reflex of an individual significantly. It is, therefore, important to ensure aspiration pneumonia prevention so that we can lead a healthy lifestyle. There are several ways in which an individual can avoid falling victim to this infection.

Alcohol causes many things liver cirrhosis, blood pressure among others. Excessive intake of the drug also contributes to one getting aspiration pneumonia. This happens when an individual engages in binge drinking, the big gulps he or she take does not all land in the stomach. In the process of swallowing, some land in the bronchial tree paving way for it to settle in the lung. When it accumulates it causes the illness. Quitting alcohol will automatically be a preventive measure of this malady and other as well.

When one is a kid, it is taught in school that you need to brush your teeth after every meal every day. This is so true because leaving food deposits in your mouth need to provide a good environment for bacteria to grow. The bacteria causes the disease. It is, therefore, important to focus on good dental care, visit your dentist often to ensure that your teeth and gums are bacteria free.

Another important prevention measure is ensuring that you have efficient eating and drinking habits. Make sure that you eat while seated in an upright position at the dining table. Swallowing of food and drinks while lying might make the food go down the wrong path. Even if it does not choke you it increases the possibility of acquiring this malady since the substance goes to the lungs.

Smoking of cigarettes, bhang or hashish should be stopped with immediate effect if one is to prevent contracting the disease. This is because you might share the bong or the cigarette with another person with the disease and get it yourself. Also smoking is not good for your lungs, it weakens the respiratory system.

It is important for a person to recognize the other risks of aspirations in some situations. For instance, if a doctor evaluates that you are prone to getting the infection, he or she will reduce or stop prescribing drugs that may cause sedation. A swallowing comprehensive test should be conducted to ensure that all is well with your system.

In case you need surgery and you are a risk of aspiration, it is important that you do not eat before surgery. Make sure you have not eaten four hours before surgery to avoid vomiting when the operation is going on. If you vomit during surgery, you might interfere with the process which is very delicate.

The measures mentioned above if well followed, they will be helpful in preventing the serious condition. Being safe is better than being sorry, an individual should concentrate on what to follow to avoid getting sick than waiting to get sick so that he or she can get medication.

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