Discover Ways To Develop A Photographic Memory

By Amanda Collins

As an ability almost everyone strives to acquire, its proven to be quite a hard one to master but one that comes naturally to others who acquire it at birth. Its never been easy to develop a photographic memory and therefore it may takes a lot of time practicing some of the sharpening skills used to harness these abilities which would require dedication and discipline.

This skill allows one to memorize things like notes, lists of items or scene and being able to remember everything including tiny details that normal people may not remember. Attention to detail is another skill that enhances this ability as one can get every detail and remember everything as it was which is basically like video recording.

As impressive as this ability might seem, it has nothing to do with ones IQ even though most geniuses tend possess this as part of their abilities. This ability can be good and useful on one hand but then otherwise on the other for instance, if one was to witness a traumatic event, its horrific details would remain planted in them.

There have been theories that are said to be useful in helping people harness this mental ability by training the brain using certain techniques. One of these techniques and the basic one is using cards; one can start by placing 3 and try to remember them based on their color, flower, number, and their sequential arrangement; starting from 3 cards one should learn to play around with the whole deck.

The very same concept has been seen taking root in schools where educators use them to sharpen the minds of the young students who are still learning the alphabets. They do so by associating the alphabets with pictures which makes them memorable and easy to grasp as they have memorable figures to remember the alphabets with and therefore this pictures have to be fun and one they can remember.

In the human anatomy, the brain has always been one of the most complex regions and part of getting a job like in the military involves testing ones mental power. Passing these tests and proving to be mentally competent give one an upper hand in tackling tasks that may otherwise seem difficult but with this ability things tend to be easier.

Fifteen minutes is what most neurologists recommend on a daily basis for exercising ones brain to achieve the power they desire. It might take time and energy but with the results achieved from the sacrifice, the pain is usually worth it especially since most people have a lot of spare time with some even spending more than three hours on a daily basis watching television.

Its takes time to be good at this and therefore patience and hard work needs to be exercised in order to avoiding giving up due to frustration. Things might seem to not work out in the beginning but all one needs is hard work and time and having the heart to persevere the hardships before one gets to where they want to be.

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