Supplementing With Bee Plus To Slow Down Skin Aging

By Michelle Green

If you want to keep at bay all kinds of premature skin aging signs, dermatologists say that you should eat healthily, limit sun exposure, reduce stress, avoid smoking, take alcohol moderately and exercise regularly. It's also a wonderful idea for you to pop a bee plus capsule in your mouth on an everyday basis. You can save yourself from undergoing pricey facials and risky surgeries simply by supplementing with it as it's loaded with nutrients that the skin requires in order to remain young-looking.

One of the various reasons why the product is great for those who like to keep their skin youthful is it contains propolis. Put simply, propolis is a substance used by honeybees for sealing as well as varnishing honeycombs. For those flying creatures, propolis is just another construction material.

When it comes to humans, however, propolis plays an entirely different role. Numerous scientific studies confirm that it exhibits amazing antioxidant properties. It's for this reason why propolis can put the process of oxidation under control.

According to dermatologists, one of the reasons why skin can age quickly is oxidation. So many people believe that getting too much sun exposure is the only reason behind the premature aging of their skin. It's true that the sun gives off ultraviolet (UV) light that can wreak havoc on the skin cells, and that is why it can make one's skin age at a much faster rate. Unnecessary UV light exposure can also lead to age spot formation. If you want to have your skin protected from the sun's UV light, make sure that you regularly apply sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or even greater for best results.

Propolis can help prevent skin damage due to the fact that it boasts of antioxidant properties. Certainly, you should couple its daily intake with regular sunscreen application. Because of this nutrient, those various skin aging signs can be prevented from showing up. If already around, they can in fact be reversed.

One more reason why the supplementary product is ideal for a beauty-conscious woman like you is it contains royal jelly, too. Just like what the name suggests, it's something so precious among honeybees. That's because it's food that is exclusive to queen bees as well as little bees that will one day serve as queens.

For humans, royal jelly is excellent for beautifying as well as nourishing the skin. Such is for the fact that it's rich in vitamin E, a fat soluble vitamin that's proven to keep the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system out of harm's way. It also has the ability to shield the skin cells from being damaged.

Daily intake of royal jelly helps ensure that the skin cells are properly nourished. In addition, it is similar to sunscreen in that it also offers protection from the sun's damaging UV rays. Just like propolis, the substance also has amazing antioxidant properties. It's for this reason exactly why it's very good for fending off premature skin aging, too. In fact, so many of the best anti-aging creams and lotions being sold these days work effectively because of the presence of royal jelly in them.

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