The Navicular Disease Treatment Options

By Carol Bell

Heel illnesses affect numerous horses worldwide. Common symptoms of this condition are vessels enlargement at the heel area, flexor region degeneration among others. Even though there have been efforts by researchers to invent curative measures, no positive results have been seen yet. Fortunately, with proper management, animals can live normally even without Navicular disease treatment. Precisely, management involves therapy, medical intervention, and surgery. Each of them is discussed below in detail.

First signs of hoof ailments are reflected on hooves. For this reason, before trying any other form of cure, ensure proper shoeing is done regularly. Shoeing is a process of balancing all sides of hooves. Ideally, hoof front should lie parallel to the pastern line while back side lies parallel to the pastern itself. Most limping horses have longer toes than normal as well as under-run heels. If trimmed to normal size, limping reduces and horses become more comfortable.

Suppose trimming does not work, practitioners opt to raise feet angle through padding. Raising does not only reduce pressure on flexor tendon but also helps to align heel to the pastern. This does not happen just once since horses vary. Specialists pad gradually observing the effects created. If they feel a position seems comfortable, padding is stopped. However, padding does not always work depending on lameness cause. For some animals, instead of improving padding causes more lameness. At this point, veterinary officers stop and recommend other forms of management.

When limping is more intense, medication should be applied besides physiotherapy. Experts recommend dosages depending on causes of the ailment. Bute is an anti-inflammatory medicine which has proved effective over a long period of time. Even though a combination of therapy and Bute works well, one must administer the right dosage proportions. If possible, only administer when needed especially during work hours when pain is extreme.

Differently, Isoxsuprine can be used instead of Bute. When a horse has caudal heel pain, it means blood flow is not normal. Since blood vessels are squeezed around the heal area, a reduced amount of blood circulates freely causing deep pain. Isoxsuprine dilates these valves to increase blood circulation. Not all States approve this form of medication as it has not been proven to work effectively. Other drugs in this category are Pentoxifylline and Metrenperone. They are yet to be used clinically.

Besides medication and therapy, surgery works to relieve extreme pain on heels. Digital Neurectomy is a common surgical operation that involves transecting nerves on the lower the pastern part. Operation techniques have greatly improved over time. Initially, it would be done with a simple cutting blade. Today, the transection is highly mechanized through use of laser machines.

A different form of surgery is Neurectomy. If all these methods have failed, there is no optional medication to curb further damage. Neurectomy only makes horses more comfortable by reducing pain. Interventions to heal hooves are stopped.

Even though the nerving has been the most effective method, results are not permanent. This is because the nerves continue growing even after being cut. Differently, more serious cases may erupt after surgery. To offer lasting solutions, specialists must keep repeating procedure they hope more permanent solutions will be invented.

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