Custom Wood Furniture Buying Guide

By Angela Patterson

One commonly used material for furniture is wood, and this has different types. Other types are revered for its beauty, versatility, and durability. Since the database for this is quite large, selecting the best one for your custom wood furniture Chicago is crucial because this will help you in determining the exact price.

Custom made furniture is of course a great choice to make since this will allow you to create the exact image of furniture you are looking for, however this is on the pricier side since the manufacturer has to create it the way you wanted it. Here is how you can select the right one for your home.

The simplest ways to determine the wood that is used for furniture is hardness. Hardwood is not denser and harder compared to softwood. If you check its botanical term, hardwood are from flowering trees while the softwood are from conifers. These two are used in almost everything, starting from building structures up to using these for decorative purposes.

You cannot just go the manufacturer and describe the wood you want to use, specially when you already have one in mind it is just that you forgot its name. The manufacturer will have a hard time guessing what you want. Here are some of the most popular wood that is used in making furniture below.

This is durable, requires only low maintenance, and comes with a close grain. Its sap content is also low and is good in terms of resisting fire. Keep in mind that not all hardwood are ideal to make into furniture. Since this only requires low maintenance, you do not have to worry about spending too much just to maintain its beauty and use.

Rubberwood. If you like something that is a bit the same to maple, rubberwood is a great choice. Big manufacturers are using this to make all kinds of furniture, from tables to cabinets. If you decide to go with this, make sure the people who would make the item for you will stain and seal it correctly so you may use this regularly.

Mahogany. A popular hardwood that is prized for its durability, color, and beauty. Has no pockets and voids. Overtime, its color will darken, which is the reason why it became a popular choice. You will often find this in bloodred to reddish brown. Has a medium texture and is a bit heavy. Commonly used for high end ones and for exterior items like door and window.

Mahogany. Another thing to consider when you like darker colors, often medium brown and reddish brown. For those of you that wants furniture with many ornate details, perfect since mahogany is good for staining or carving. Acacia. Deep brown and has a warm and rich feel which can make any homes look more elegant. Scratch and water resistant.

Birch. Birch tress are found all over the Northern Hemisphere. This is much harder than oakwood. The Birch plywood is what is used by many as such is stable, hard, readily available, and affordable. Light reddish brown in color. When you want to paint them, that would not be a problem since it can take all kinds of finishes.

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