Modern Home Architectural Concepts And Designs

By Elizabeth Robinson

A house is very important to a family. Next, to food and clothing, shelter is the next basic need of human beings. This is the place where families live together for a long time. It provides safety and protection from intruders and inclement weather. Children grow up here until they reach the age of maturity and are stung by the arrows of Cupid. Couples who are just married and want a new home can go to home design othello wa.

Shelter is extremely important to humans. In its early days of existence, before the birth of technology, these poor creatures had to evade and escape wild animals that forest residents as well. They eventually settled down in caves which they had to clean and clear of creatures before moving in. That was the life of our early forebears.

Technology came to the fore with the invention or discovery of simple tools and using these. Sharpened twigs turned into instant weapons. Breaking rocks and stones to make sharp edges on them became a cutting tool that could shear through meat and flesh. By attaching this to a stick it turns it into a pseudo ax and war hammer.

With rudimentary tools and empty hands, humans were able to construct the first abode. He only needed wood to do this and there was plenty of it in the forests. These early planet earth inhabitants utilized all parts of the tree to build a house and topped it with animal skin. These were simple structures that were sturdy enough to keep animals away and kept people inside safe.

These structures can still be seen today in remote areas of underdeveloped nations. These simple structures are sometimes called huts, or shacks, or shanties. This native structure is becoming more and more popular in beach resorts in the Pacific where the weather is bright and sunny. These are also ecologically friendly since these are all built of wood.

Contemporary architecture makes use of several types of materials. The most common is concrete, a mixture of sand and its aggregates and cement. These are reinforced with steel bars. Side panels are mostly made of prefabricated boards or synthetic materials while the roof is mostly of galvanized metal sheets. Designs differ depending on their owners.

Rich realtors are often the ones who develop residential areas where houses are built. The residential estate is assigned by urban planners as the area where residential homes are erected. This is far from the city where the industrial and commercial zones are located. Large construction firms are contracted to plan and develop the area following building codes.

Houses can vary in shape and size depending on the financial capacity of its prospective owner. They usually hire an architect to do the designs for them according to their desires and wants. It really is funny how some middle class families dream of big houses while the rich in society are moving into smaller ones to save money and since they spend most of the time in different places.

There are several firms and individual professional architects that do conceptualization and design of homes. Newly married couples can seek their services for a fee. It would be foolhardy though not to perform some research first about the companies or individuals. Engage in some leg movement exercise and get out and make some inquiries or solicit some advice from neighbors and friends.

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