The Sophrology Method Coaching And Professor Caycedo

By Mark Jones

While the self-help field has expanded with new programs over the last few decades, there are some programs which have been popular in Europe since the 1970s which are lesser known in the United States. In one case, sophrology method coaching is reported to help individuals find lasting and ongoing peace in all areas of life.

The practice, popular in continental Europe combining Eastern wisdom and Western science to help individuals sleep better, manage stress and explore the concept of mindful living has helped a number of Europeans. For, the practice uses the body and mind connection to create more harmony and balance in oneself and the surrounding environment.

The term, sophrology is defined as being the study of harmony while in a conscious state. The roots of the word come from the Greek words Phren meaning mind and SOS meaning harmony. As a result, it is now believed that individuals can remain in a conscious harmonious state on an ongoing basis.

The method was developed in the 1960s by Columbian neuro-psychiatrist and Professor Alfonso Caycedo, to help clients find peace and serenity in daily life. As a result, the practice has now become more widely used by individuals, clinics and mental hospitals. Whether practiced on a daily basis, or with a coach at a clinic or hospital, a number of individuals have found a sense of lasting peace while practicing the basic concepts of Sophrology.

The professor suggested as early as 1970 at a conference that the method was birthed out of the conscious mind. While this is the case, the psychiatrist also suggested that the practice is a philosophy, a way of life, a therapy and a tool for personal development. Whereas, the basic concept behind the practice is to teach people how to live in a harmonious rather than a traumatic or depressed state of mind.

When the professor set out to explore different methods of healing for the first time, Western medicine was at the forefront. In addition, various aspects of Eastern wisdom were also included in the practice. After which, Caycedo began researching various techniques to create a relaxed state in clients along with phenomenology and other practices.

Along with these practices, the professor also kept a method known as the mental method which requires a strong focus on the mind to induce mental peace. One of the best descriptions of this Eastern practice is in comparing the practice to that of meditation. Although, while meditation works to clear the mind, the mental method attempts to target and relax various muscular centers of the body.

While a popular practice in Europe, Sophrology is rarely used in other areas. Whether this is due to the multitude of other self-help methods or a lack of knowledge, it seems it is a practice that could be beneficial to individuals around the world. As such, the few whom are familiar with the practice are now hoping that others will become interested. For, if individuals can maintain a sense of harmony on an ongoing basis, it is hoped that the world will also become more peaceful and harmonious in the future.

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