Step By Step Guidelines For Sterilization Reversal Procedure

By Kathleen Thomas

A female tube ligation is a permanent form of contraception. Women who develop side effects of hormonal contraceptives prefer using the method. The process includes cutting, obstructing or blocking the birth canal. This prevents the egg from meeting with the sperm thus preventing pregnancy. Though it is meant to be permanent, it can be reversed. The process of a sterilization reversal is challenging. It involves removing obstructed parts and reconstructing the ducts.

There are several types of family planning methods some are permanent like sterilization while others are temporary such as hormonal injections and pills. Women are advised to consult their caregivers for assistance before they decide on which technique to use. This is because each person will react to the particular form of contraception depending on their body type. Clients who choose tube ligation should know that some methods are fixable other are unchangeable.

The reversal procedure is expensive and it is performed by few hospitals. The procedure takes time and it involves surgery. The health practitioners first observe the patient using particular types of cameras to determine the level of birth canal damage. After the surgeons has confirmed that a client has healthy fallopian tubes they then go ahead and perform the surgery. The procedure takes few hours and involves use of common anesthesia.

The doctors removes any blockage in the canal and reattaches the remaining healthy part of the fallopian tube. The tubes are connected using small stitches. After they have completed the produce dye are poured into the cells to test if they have been reassembled correctly. If no dye elements outflow it confirms that the procedure was a success.

Prior to the operation clients are taken through a series of tests to determine if they are in a good health to undergo the operation. Young women with no history of fertility difficulty are known to undertake the procedure effectively. Those dealing with obesity or overweight are advised through weight management process first before the system is done to ensure positive results.

After surgery patients are given some guidelines to follow, an individual is advised to observe these guidelines for three weeks. A client is required to avoid caring out heavy duties, eat health food, avoid rubbing when they feel itchy but instead pat the opening. During this period women are advised not to be involved in sexual activities. The physician can give client drugs for reliving pain.

Generally half of the women achieve full recovery. These factors include age, women under the age of thirty-five years are more likely to get pregnant as compared to older women. The level of damage that was done to the fallopian tube also determines the success of carrying the pregnancy to term. Those who used ring sterilization are at an advantage in getting pregnant as compared to those who used other types.

Patients can contract diseases or may bleed after operation. These complications are not common since the caregivers go through these risks before conducting operation and advice the patient on the danger they may encounter if they decide to go ahead with the surgery. The doctor can guide those who are at high risk to do in vitro fertilization.

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