Ways Of Achieving Self Actualization Nyack Residents Should Know

By Kenneth Parker

Human behaviour is, to a large extent, influenced by wants and needs. Everyone in the world, whether rich or poor, will find a reason to wake in the morning in search of the desires of their hearts. Indeed, these desires are widely varied depending on individual circumstances. Abraham Maslow created what is referred to us the hierarchy of needs that are often represented in form of a pyramid. Self actualization is at the top of this pyramid. There are a number of characteristics on persons that have achieved self actualization Nyack residents may wish to know.

Self actualization may be defined as a star in which an individual has full realization of their creative, intellectual and social potential. Because of the difference in individual abilities that we all have this state is very personal and is not the same for any two persons. To pursue self actualization, one must first take care of their basics needs. These are physiological, safety needs, affection and self esteem in order of priority.

Only a handful of people manage to actualize. This is mainly because most people are preoccupied with meeting certain goals for their entire lifetime. Persons that have successfully managed to reach this level have been shown to posses a number of attributes. Among their major characteristics is that they are courageous. They are not afraid to be pioneers in new frontiers.

Another important attribute is that they have a purpose. Having a mission in life provides the motivation to work harder at what we do and improve ourselves in the process. While the quest for to be actualized is more of an individual goal, missions leading to it are often for the good of mankind in general. Once we identify what our mission is, we need to consider it a duty or an obligation that should be fulfilled regardless of the challenges that come our way.

It is important for the individual that is working towards actualization to learn self acceptance. They should understand that every individual is unique in their own right with a mix of strengths and weaknesses. Instead of hoping to be similar to another individual, they should be content with how they were created and focus on getting the best out of themselves. This notwithstanding, it should be emphasized that the individual needs to get rid of negative acquired attributes whenever possible.

A vision is important as a motivation tool that everyone needs to have. If one is clear about where they are headed then it is easier to get there than when such a vision is non-existent. A vision is like a compass that keeps one on track in spite of the numerous distractions that will be encountered from time to time.

One should focus on personal growth rather than merely the satisfaction of needs. Personal growth often comes in small improvements in skills and knowledge every day. With time, these small improvements move an individual closer to perfection. One should be grateful for the small victories received from time to time and use this as a motivation to keep achieving more and more.

To self actualize is a journey rather than an event. It is a situation where an individual is satisfied that all their dreams have been achieved and they have nothing else to work towards. The most important thing to remember is that every person has a different pinnacle of success as dictated by their birth circumstances and upbringing environment.

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