Creating A Christmas Display Village Layout

By Larry Wright

Village exhibitions are one of the best decorations that one can use during the Christmas period. They require a lot of creativity and commitment to make them look appealing. Even so, you should consider a few aspects to create an exhibition that meets your expectations. Here are a few thoughts to ponder on when making a Christmas display village layout.

Look for a suitable place to set up the particular exhibition. You need to set up the presentation in an area with enough space. You can set it up in a doorway in your sitting room since such sites are visible from far. However, most houses do not have enough spaces in their entrances leaving the owner with no other choice but to look for a different place. You can decide to place it at the fireplace mantle, but such a position suits a display that will stay temporarily.

Beware of the base that you choose. You have different places to place an exhibition. One can put it on a cabinet, a bookshelf or a hutch. Any flat position with support is suitable as long as there is a strong support to hold the weight of the exhibition. You should use plywood or any other sturdy material that one can shift from one location to the other.

Create a landscape. Look for a white felt drape to save on the costs spent buying a different material. The drape is suitable for concealing any connections or wires needed for exhibition. Ensure that it drops below the support to hide the support of the furniture used to hold the exhibition. One can use the cloth to create an impression of curvatures and hills in a particular place using plates and bowls.

Lay down the train tracks. Train tracks are one of the most common displays in a Christmas exhibition village. It should be placed first to hide any mechanic or chords needed to control the train on its track. Gather all the cords under the drape to conceal them to avoid tripping hazards later on when the exhibition is complete. The train should wind around the area and can also go through a tunnel that you have included.

Put the buildings appropriately. One can use as many building figurines as possible depending on the level of creativity and size of the exhibition. Place them along an impression of a street. Use different sizes of building to replicate different types of structures in real situations. They should depict a bank, post office, residential houses, among other familiar structures.

Use the correct lighting process. Purchase a long stretch of lighting which can fit your whole display. Use LED lighting which saves on the energy to use and has small bulbs that can fit in every building. The light should illuminate in different colors depending on your choices. Improvise the lights by adding snow on top of a bulb to create an extra glow.

Create a lively scene at the exhibition. You cannot wholly convince anyone about the suitability of a Christmas village display without a real-life view. Look for trees, miniature people dolls and animals to include in the exhibition to create such an impression. Place the people in groups or have them do various activities to make the display more real.

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