Artificial Turf Florida For Hotels And Sports Fields

By Douglas Foster

There is nothing in this world that compares to the smell of freshly cut grass. But when you are the owner of a large lawn you will be well aware of the responsibility that comes with it. A commercial premise with a lawn such as a bowling green means a lot of hard work and maintenance costs. If your grass is used by the public or private clients to play sport then we recommend artificial turf Florida. Read on to find out why.

Artificial grass and lawns are not like they were a few decades ago. In fact, there are such good replicas nowadays that you cannot tell that the greenery is not real. In this article we will discuss the advantages of using fake grass instead of investing in real grass and seeds for your tennis court, bowling green, or hotel lawn.

When clients pay to use your sports courts then nothing less than perfect will do. To ensure their upkeep you will employ a Florida gardening team. They will take care of a lot is issues including general maintenance as well as pest control and gardening.

But for an easier life and one without such high maintenance bills, artificial grass is a good idea. This is because it doesn't need mowing or watering and it won't get full of weeds. In the height of summer when water is restricted a natural lawn will start to grow thin and brown and just won't look the part for your hotel or other facility.

Pests can get out of hand in your garden too. These can range from annoying ants to large and ugly moles that dig holes in your lawns. If you have a tennis or bowling green it needs to be absolutely flat and perfect. Moles are probably one of your biggest worries when you have natural turf.

So, it's easy to see that by investing in artificial grass you will save money in the long run. After your initial spending you will cut back on the costs of garden maintenance and water too. An irrigation system for a real lawn is extremely expensive. Too make your grass look real you could water it once a day, but really there is no point.

When you are constantly watering your grass you are spending a lot of money on water and electric. Also you are being non-environmentally friendly. That's before we mention the pesticides that you also pour onto your grass. These are extremely harmful and are already beginning to be banned in some places as they alter and destroy natural fauna and flora.

Owning a hotel or other sports premise requires responsibility. Your grass areas need to be in perfect order all year round. This can amount to a lot of maintenance issues, and bad weather can destroy the turf. For a solution that is quick and simple yet looks natural and effective, choose a lawn that looks so real your guests will never guess it isn't. The upkeep of your sports facilities will never have been easier and you'll save money that you pay to your gardener. Or alternatively you can use the money for other jobs around your premise such as the trimming of trees and the raking of the driveway.

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