A Guide To Selecting Florida Fake Grass

By Stephen Thompson

A luxuriant green lawn is beautiful and a perfect setting to spend time outdoors or play. Nevertheless, maintaining grass in a perfect condition involves regular weeding, irrigation and mowing. This can be time-consuming and drain one of energy, particularly is the soil quality is poor. Many residents of Florida are therefore opting for synthetic turf also referred to as artificial grass. This is a low maintenance substitute for natural grass and can be used in residential and commercial properties.

Just like other things to do with making your property attractive, you need to choose the right synthetic turf. The best turf will be easier to maintain and will remain to look attractive for many years. When buying Florida fake grass, you need to consider several things.

One of the things to consider is where and how they intend to use the synthetic turf. Artificial turf can be installed in playing surfaces on bowling greens, tennis courts, and cricket pitches or small lawns. Individuals who intend to install the turf in places that experience intense foot traffic should go for durable artificial turf. Those who intend to install it on a lawn should select artificial turf that is softer and more realistic-looking.

You should also contemplate on the size of the area where you will be installing the artificial turf. The size of the area will determine the amount of synthetic turf you need to buy and the number of hours it will take to install it. This, in turn, will influence the amount you will spend to cover the area. If you have a limited budget but need to cover a large area, you can opt for more cost-effective products that can create an attractive finish.

It is also essential to consider the quality of the synthetic turf. The qualities to look or when buying the turf include stitched tufts, consistent color, even backing, and softness. The better quality turf is sold at a higher price. However, buying the best turf is advisable since you are making a long-term investment.

Thinking about the pile height of the synthetic turf is also wise. The turf that has a higher pile height can make a lawn to look lush. Nevertheless, property owners should remember that longer grass blades make the turf heavier. The pull of gravity will bend the blades, making a lawn look flat over time. Property owners can maintain natural looking turfs by selecting artificial turf whose pile height is between 30 and 37 millimeters.

Considering backing and infill is also important. In order to continue feeling springy and looking rush, artificial turf should be infilled. Rubber crumb and sand are among the popular infill materials. Property owners can select the appropriate infill material depending on their budget or preferences. The backing of artificial turf is either polyurethane or latex. Polyurethane does not contract or expand while latex can shrink or expand by five to ten millimeters.

Fake grass comes in different shades of green, including lime green, olive green, and dark green among others. Cheaper artificial turf comes in single flat shades of green and it is possible to differentiate it from natural grass easily. Avoid buying perfectly green turfs. The ones that have different shades of green and some brown flecks appear like natural grass.

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