Useful Tips On San Antonio Landscape Design

By Christopher Kennedy

For people that have handled landscape design in previous projects, it will be easy to clearly understand that the choices involved may be overwhelming. It might be design of the first garden for an individual or rehabilitation of outdoor spaces. Gardens are important since they improve air quality and also enhance appearance of compounds. For those that reside in San Antonio landscape design is important. Some tips will come in handy.

One of the first things is to make a list of all the needs and wants. This involves considering things such as whether kids will need space to play, you want to plant vegetables or you want a family garden. You will need to have sketches of your yard with thoughts of where you want everything. This is a great organizing idea to start with. With a rough idea, it will be possible to plan on other major things.

It is important to study wind and sun patterns when it comes to the design. You might want to do patios on the western end of the house but then you find out it gets sunny in the afternoon. This will mean dinner times get very uncomfortable at some seasons. The wind patterns need consideration too. Such mistakes are common and will have an effect on outcome of the design. Designs need to consider sun and wind behavior at various times.

You should be able to stat in a small way. With home TV shows, you might realize that they reveal complete landscape works done in a matter of days. This is possible because the work is being done by large crews. This is not the case for ordinary homeowners. You should develop a plan slowly because more often than not, the best designs take quite some time. You will need to compare what is done by different people.

You need to work around some focal point. Any design that is good should have some focal point or a number of them. There are many options for this. It could be some sculpture or stunning plant, a tree or a number of shrubs. The reason for all this is to draw the eyes and move them through that landscape.

You will need to focus well on scale and pacing. This is perhaps the most tricky principle for people doing the design as beginners. There will normally be variations in color, shape and size, with the taller plants being against the house. Similarly, the last thing you want is to create monotony. This means you would need to add elements different from the landscape.

It is good that a designer is open to change. Unless you are very strongly devoted to something, it helps to be honest and what you like and what could be out of favor. It is important to distinguish between what you really love versus what works effectively.

Sequence or transition will create visual moment in the design of landscapes. Sequence will be achieved by gradual progression of size, texture and color. Examples of design elements in transition are plants that go from coarse to medium and then fine textures. Transition can also be used to create depth or distance.

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