How To Grow Ginger Rhizomes At Home

By Douglas Wagner

Ginger rhizomes are the swollen root sections of herbaceous perennial plants. The root is used for many medicinal and culinary purposes today and has been done so for centuries. It is quite easy to grow as long as it is not exposed to frost or too much direct sunlight.

As a tropical plant, it does not like frost and prefers a humid climate. It should not be in direct sunlight all the time. Choose a spot with partial shade and some protection from strong winds. Soil needs to be rich and have good drainage. When buying roots from the grocery store, select ones that do not look too dried out and wrinkly. The little points at the cut off ends of the root are where the roots and shoots sprout from.

High quality soil is very important. Mix garden soil with an equal amount of compost. The compost provides the plant with nutrition and keeps water in while the garden soil ensures proper drainage. If soil contains too much clay or is very poor in quality, it is better to use potting soil.

Cut the fresh root into two inch sections. Each of these sections with one or two eyes or buds can grow into a separate plant. Before planting, it is suggested to let the root lie for a day or two. This is to give the cuts time to seal over and prevent rot.

The best time to plant is in early spring so as to take advantage of of the heat of spring and summer. A crop can take up to ten months to develop so patience is needed. Plant five to ten centimeters deep and about 30 centimeters apart. This is because plants need space to grow. As long as the soil is moist and warm, germination should occur.

Water the bed after planting but just enough so that the soil does not dry out. Once the leaves are visible, water a couple of times a week. Reduce the amount of water immediately if soil becomes a bit soggy. Spray or mist regularly if air is particularly dry. The plant continues to grow until it reaches two or three feet in height.

As the weather cools down, the leaves begin to die back. Reduce watering because the dry ground encourages it to form roots. When all the leaves have died, the ginger is ready for harvest. Dig up the whole plant, break up the roots and select a few with good growing buds for replanting. Keep the rest for use in the kitchen.

A decent mulch offers plants nutrients, prevents weeds from growing and offers some protection. Fertilizing will not be as important if plants are surrounded by mulch from which they can get nutrients. A good mixture can be made from worm castings and horse manure. Do not expect flowers unless plants have been left in the ground for two years.

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