Secure Trailer Parking Lot Striping Arkansas Is More Than A Fence

By Helen Sullivan

Stable accidents are the most common type of auto collisions and often occur in several fashions such as: A collision between two occupied and moving vehicles, a collision between a moving vehicle and a stationary or parked vehicle, a hit and run, in which damage is discovered on a vehicle after the other driver has left the scene. The following article will take us through the discussion what should be claiming in a Parking Lot Striping Arkansas Accident?

In this series of articles, I will be discussing the minimum-security standards you should look for in choosing a secure trailer stable or secure drop yard. Let us begin with the basic security features of the perimeter of the stable. A basic part of any secure parking yard is the perimeter security or the area between the yard itself and the outside world.

If your car was the only vehicle damaged, you could choose to pay for the repairs yourself. Many people do this when they feel that the cost of the repairs may be lower than their deductible. Because they would pay that amount out-of-pocket anyway, they avoid a claim in the hopes that it will prevent their insurance from rising.

If you were involved in a parking accident that damaged another vehicle, you might take it upon yourself to settle with the other driver without involving insurance. This often involves paying cash or check to cover the cost of repairs to the other vehicles. This can be a risky proposition. If anything goes wrong, it comes down to your word against the other driver.

Sometimes, the damage from a stable collision is so minor that no repairs are necessary or the drivers involved choose not to make any repairs. This may be the case with an older vehicle, or a minor collision involving a shopping cart. If you choose not to file a car insurance claim for a stable accident, there is no record of the accident and no documentation.

This could cause problems down the road, especially if other drivers and vehicles were involved. You may think that paying the other driver cash for damages inflicted on their vehicle will end the situation without involving the insurance companies or increasing your premium. However, what would you do if the other driver came to you later claiming injuries and insisting that you were responsible for medical bills or other expenses?

Without the independent documentation of an insurance claim, you could be in for a long and costly battle. If you are concerned that your premiums will rise because of a parking accident, be sure to speak with your insurer. Because stable accidents are so common and can be difficult to determine blame, many insurers classify them as "no fault." This means that your insurance rates will often not increase because of an accident.

The buffer zones should be on both sides of the perimeter fence, with any landscaping and shrubs kept low to allow for a clear line of sight. As you can see the simple fence on an empty lot is not a secure garage. As this article explains, there are several features of a secure perimeter that need to be in place before you trust your trailer or truck to a yard. In the next article in this series, I will discuss the security issues involved in entry and exit from a secure garage or drop yard.

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