Top Tips For Winter Maintenance; Virginia Beach Lawn Care

By Ryan Murray

Any lawn care service provider that has been in business for a while will inform you that services ought to go round the year. While it is a fact that nothing much goes on during the winter, there is plenty that you could do to ensure that the heavy coat of snow would not suffocate your grass to death. The survival of the vegetation may highly depend on the steps you actively take during the warmer seasons. Here is a rundown through Virginia Beach lawn care practices that are best for winter.

Nothing can be as frustrating as finding out that all your grass died under the snow blanket. There is always that chance of plants suffocating and rooting below the cover. Fortunately, there are preventative measures that you could take to increase the survival chances of your grass once it begins to snow.

First, you should get some professional mowing assistance. The idea is to leave the blades sharp and to also lower the height of the tall turf. Shorter turf has a higher chance of surviving because the blades will grow thick and resilient. This will also ensure that the young seedlings absorb adequate nutrients to see them through the cold season. Mowing can assist greatly in reducing the impact of diseases and elements.

Raking out the debris is another important practice. You should also store any outdoor furniture that is likely to get damaged by the extreme weather conditions. These attempts will not only smother the lawn, but they will also reduce the chances of getting wet patches that can get moldy.

Another practice that should not be overlooked is aerating the grass before snowfall. This will help in preventing thatching problems. Even though snow typically encourages thatching issues, you may want to give your grass a breather before winter sets in. Your attempts will drastically reduce the stress on your turf once conditions get severe.

Doing a fertilizer application just before the cold season is also important. This will see to it that your grass gets the healthy dose it needs just before the snow starts dropping. The nutrients and minerals from the manure will keep your plants alive even as they suffocate under the snow blanket and remain there for months without getting any sunlight. If you do a proper job, your turf will jump back to life weeks after spring kicks in.

Another strong tip is that you should discourage foot and vehicle traffic on the lawn. The grass is already having a hard time under the snow blanket and unnecessary traffic will only make things worse. You can choose to get assistance with clearing snow from the walkways and driveways. This should leave friends and family members will that clear notice that they should keep off the grass.

Some people can maintain their lawns without seeking professional assistance. Even so, most property owners lack polished skills, proper equipment or adequate time to do an impeccable job. In case the need for professional help is inevitable, do some basic research before choosing a service provider. You want to find experts who could turn your lawn into the envy of your town.

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