For Those Who Need Non Surgical Gum Treatment Andover Presents A Perfect Choice Of A Place

By George Snyder

Many Americans today suffer from periodontal gum disease. The trend is not just an American one, but global. This disease progresses in stages and forms. It could be a simple inflammation in the gums or a more serious condition causing serious illness. In its most severe level, it could cause teeth lose and severe damage to the gums, connective tissues, and bone. For non surgical gum treatment Andover should be given priority.

Mucus and saliva in the mouth is usually mixed with bacteria. A colorless sticky substance resulting from this mixture gets deposited onto the teeth. This substance is known as plaque. It is easily removed by flossing or brushing teeth. When plaque is not removed it hardens over time. Its name changes to tartar once hardened. At this stage flossing or brushing does not work. Tartar can only be removed by a dentist.

Every passing day that plaque and tartar is in the mouth is the more damage they cause to the teeth. The bacteria they harbor are what cause the gums to start swelling. Given time the gums will swell and become red in color. They easily bleed as this point. The term gingivitis is used to describe his condition. Gingivitis is easily reversible by continuous dental care. Combined effort of brushing or flossing daily with uninterrupted regular dentist cleaning can reverse the condition.

Leaving gingivitis without treating it makes it to develop into periodontitis. The latter disease is deadlier. It causes gums to detach from teeth, forming pockets, which feel with plaque over time. The bacteria infested plaque triggers immune response from the body. The immune response and the bacteria in turn attack underlying bone and connective tissue. Eventually, one may lose teeth.

There are various factors that increase the chances of one to develop this disease. One of the major factors is smoking. As such, smokers are usually asked to quit the habit while they are on treatment. Hormonal changes in ladies, is another major risk factors. Others include medication, genetic vulnerability, and diabetes.

Cleaning is almost always the method used to treat the disease. The kind of cleaning done is called deep cleaning, and it involves two main techniques, that is, root planing and scaling. The purpose of scaling is to remove tartar and plaque deposited on teeth. Planing on the other hand reduces bacterial load by smoothening dents in tooth roots so that bacteria lack gathering places. Plaque accumulate in the gums is also removed. This can be done using dental tools or laser.

When laser pulses are used, they cause less bleeding, discomfort and swelling. If there is too much pain, painkillers are usually prescribed. Best results are achieved after multiple sessions of cleaning. How severe the disease has already progressed when one started treatment will determine how many sessions of cleaning they need.

The clean ups are not sufficient. They must be accompanied by medications. Accompanying medications include antimicrobial mouth rinses, enzyme suppressants, antiseptic chips and antibiotic gels. Surgery is always imminent but research is underway to determine if medication can replace it.

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