Pointers To Have Before Having A Sterilization Reversal

By Karen Perry

There have been many incidences whereby parents have opted to go through tubal ligation to prevent further pregnancies due to reasons such as illnesses, to focus on work or to limit the number of children. In the same way, some opt to have a Sterilization Reversal to allow them to get children again even after having the initial surgery.

The process involves opening up the fallopian tube that was closed up during the initial surgery that prevented fertilization of the egg from the ovary. However, not just any person can undergo the second surgery. Factors such as age comes in whereby a mother who is above forty may not be a successful candidate due to the fact that chances of having a complicated pregnancy is high.

Factors such as the previous ligation method used plays an important role in this second process. Doctors often ask the patient about the kind of process that she underwent. Those who had their tubes clipped or had a knot tied will have a successful reversal because the length of the tube will not be too short. Procedures involving the cutting of the tube shortens the length during reversal.

The health of the ovaries is also a factor to consider. This is in most cases for mothers who have had complications getting children previously even before the ligation. The health and count of the sperms of the partner also has to be considered such that the doctor could discourage going through the process if the sperms are not healthy enough to fertilize the egg. The general health of the uterus is also considered.

Before going through the process, you will require to answer some questions from the physician. The doctor may ask if you had a successful pregnancy period for all the children you have had before the ligation. He or she may also need to know the procedure that was used as well as the total time lapse since you had the surgery. This helps him or her to know if you are fit for the procedure or not.

The practitioner should also be able to guide you through the risks that you may face. This kind of surgery is lengthy unlike the first and may not always be successful for everyone. Some may have instances whereby the reversal forms a scar which ends up blocking the tube again while others may face constant bleeding, infection or damage to other organs. This should be reason enough to go to a qualified specialists who can try to prevent this.

To get a qualified specialist, do a thorough research for individuals who have had success stories and have specialized in handling cases in this field. This requires an individual who has been through intense training, is licensed and has been through the required years of medical school.

All services come with a price and this kind of surgery tends to be costly. However, this should not lead you to settling for something cheap. Plan ahead by getting quotations from various clinics and hospitals offering this services and check with your financial status. This will help you to successfully go through the process and still manage your money well.

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