A Great Guide For Successful Lawn Mowing Fountain Indiana

By Cynthia Patterson

One of the ways of keeping your compound presentable is by cutting your sod uniformly every now and then. All you need to do is to make sure that it does not overgrow a certain height. With these tips on successful lawn mowing Fountain Indiana homeowners can keep their compounds neat and pleasant to look at.

Good gardening demands that you invest in quality equipment that are reliable and easy to use. In the case of cutting your grass, you need a good mower. You can choose an electric, manual or gas-powered mower depending on your taste and preference. The most important thing is to make sure that the machine is can cope with the workload at hand without breaking down. This gives you the assurance that you will not have to put your routine lawn care on hold.

The other thing you need to be keen on is taking care of your mower. A machine that has is well-maintained cuts grass efficiently and neatly without going off every now and then. If it is a gas powered mower, follow its maintenance schedule strictly to and make sure that you change its oil as required. Sharpen the cutting blade frequently and replace the old ones. It is advisable to keep a spare blade to make sure that you can use your machine whenever you want to.

As you cut the sod, avoid a situation where you remove all of it. This is because exposing the soil on your lawn works against your efforts of maintaining a beautiful compound. Scalping encourages weeds to grow quickly. These plants often act as carriers of diseases which can attack your grass and ruin it. They also outgrow your sod and choke it extinction if corrective measures are not taken.

Avoid cutting you sod on rainy days or when the ground is extremely wet and soggy. These conditions are likely to mess up your compound leaving it to look like a ploughed farm field. Such conditions distort the uniform growth of your sod and can even introduce bald patches.

Different types of grass need to be maintained at varied heights for them to grow well. This ensures that the grass is thick and there is no space for weeds to sprout. The long blades also allow the grass to photosynthesis and develop strong roots. This keeps it healthy and green.

The temptation of cutting grass from the same angle is always there. However, this does not work well in ensuring that the grass grows upright without appearing to lean on one side. Grass that is upright is easy to mow and maintain. It also remains uniform in height for longer and looks neat.

Retain the grass cuttings on the compound but only if they are small and lightly spread over the mowed lawn. Such cuttings providing mulching and eventually decompose to fertilize the soil. Huge lumps of long sod cuttings suppress the growth of your grass and even cause it to die.

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