What To Consider When Buying Orchid Supplies

By Gary Watson

Having potted plants in your home can be very beneficial to your health and well-being. One type of flower that many people want to grow is the orchid. These delicate and visually stunning flowers can be challenging to grow especially if you are just starting out. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to purchase the orchid supplies your plants need to stay healthy, happy and beautiful.

Orchids have been popular for many years because they are colorful and are interesting to look at. Some have blooms that are quite large while others have flowers that are smaller and more delicate. Often they come from regions where the climate is tropical and so if they are being grown in cooler areas their care can be a bit more challenging.

One thing that most people do not consider is the type of pot their plant will be growing in. A good choice is one that has holes in the bottom that will allow water to drain out. If water sits around the roots for too long they can rot and the plant will die quite quickly. Of course you may want to look for a model that has a bottom tray or plate so that any water draining will not get all over your furniture.

Of course, not enough water on your plant is also an issue. You need to consider supplies that will allow you to spray your orchid with water without damaging delicate petals or stems. A spray bottle that can be adjusted will be the most useful and versatile tool to do this with.

One mistake that many novice growers make is underestimating the weight of the blooms. Many species of this flower have thin stems and the blooms can often be too much. A good support system like a bamboo stake will help keep this from happening. If you want to attach the stems to the pole without damaging them you will need to consider a product like an orchid clip or a strip of Velcro.

As any plant grows it pulls nutrients from the soil. If they were growing outside those nutrients would be replaced on a regular basis. Potted plants of any kind do well with fertilizer or plant food added to their pots. You will want to make sure that when you go shopping for plant food that you pick one that has the proper balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to keep your specimens happy and healthy.

As your plants grow larger and need to be re-potted you may need to also get a cutting tool that can be used to cut roots back. This can be an important part of helping your specimens grow in a healthy way. Some plants will develop root rot and a sharp, sterile cutting tool will help keep their roots happy.

There are many places that you can find these supplies. You may want to start your search at a garden store or a shop that specializes in orchids as they may be able to give you valuable advice. Once you know which products you like you may then be able to find them online on a site that specializes in these beautiful exotic blooms.

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