Guide For Coming Up With Your Own Custom Drapes

By Gary Carter

One of the ways you can change the ambiance of your house is by the kind of curtains that you put up. Given how much space these hangings have and how prominent they are in the entire house. You have to be careful how you choose them. Instead of buying the ready-made variety, consider going for custom drapes. Here is how to go about it.

Using a tape measure, take measurements of the windows. This is from the top to the bottom, based on how long you want the curtains to be and from one side of the window to the other end. Whatever measurements you get, increase this size by at least twice or three times. This is the right size of curtains that you need. The extra material will fold over when the curtains are drawn, giving it a nice flowing look. Don't buy the exact measurements of the window, as this could end up being too small.

The next thing you need to do is to buy the fabric that you will need to make the curtains. Since you are likely going to need lots of material, find a cheap place to buy it from. See if you can get it at a discounted rate. Check the fabric and make sure that it has no stains or tears and that it is completely okay.

Think carefully about what colors and designs will work well in your house. This should add to the beauty of your house instead of clashing with it or competing with other existent decorations. You can go for a plain design or choose from different prints and patterns.

You will need to buy some lining as well. You can purchase an outer lining and even a middle lining. The outer lining helps to prevent your fabric from fading, as a result of being in the sun for long periods of time. The inner lining can help give the curtain a heavier fill and prevent too much light from coming into the room once you draw the curtains.

You need to wash the material first before you begin working on it. Washing it will prevent shrinking later on. Then you need to iron it out. This will enable you to take accurate measurements when you finally get down to making the curtains.

When it comes to making the curtain, you have plenty of options. You can sew it up yourself, if you are good at do it yourself projects. Alternatively, you can take it to a local tailor that you know who has experience sewing up curtains. You can also order bespoke curtains from shops that sell them. Just choose what you like and instruct them on how you would want it to be made.

Once you are done putting together the curtains, put them up and see how it looks like. If you are satisfied with the curtains, well and good. However, if you are unhappy with it, make the required adjustments and see how you like it after that. Once happy with it, you can move on to making curtains for your other rooms.

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