How To Take Care Of Moth Orchids

By Donald Evans

Orchids are elegant, beautiful and so delicate, and they look just lovely on any window. Moth orchids, also called phals, or Phalaenopsis, are especially popular, and it isn't complicated to grow them successfully. They are native to southeast Asia and Australia, but they can be grown just about anywhere, but inside. They have characteristic large, floppy leaves and a spike full of large, beautiful flowers.

The flowers can be of any color, and they can also be striped. These astonishing, decorative flowers are usually up to 4 inches in diameter and bloom on one long, elegant spike. There can be a few spikes on some larger plant, with several flowers on each, although there is mostly one spike with maybe six flowers on, but, since they are quite large, the plant looks really attractive with only a few flowers on.

Considering the fact that each species of orchids requires different approach, you should make sure first your plant really is a phal, or moth. The easiest thing to do is to find some pictures on the internet. The bet place for your orchid is the east window, where it won't be exposed to a direct sunlight, but it will still get enough beneficial morning light. The temperature should be between seventy and eighty degrees F.

Although moths prefer indirect or filtered morning light, the right amount of light is really important, if you want it to bloom regularly. If it doesn't get enough sun, it won't re-bloom as it should. On the other hand, direct sunlight might burn the leaves. Finding the right balance is quite important here, and the best type of light is natural light.

Plant your new moth in a clay pot filled with bark mix, there are several types designed especially for orchids. In any case, you should never use various potting soils for this purpose. Moths require substrates that dry easily and allow the roots to get enough air. Plastic pots can also be used. The important thing is that the pot has enough holes on the bottom.

Watering is quite tricky. Too much water could make damage to the roots, and although the plant should be watered once a week, it's better to check the soil first. If the soil is wet, don't water the plant yet. When watering the orchid, pour the water only on the substrate, and do it until it starts to come out from the holes.

Fertilizing once a month should be enough. Choose orchid fertilizers, but avoid those containing urea, because they could damage the roots. Dilute half of the prescribed amount of chosen fertilizer in water and be careful that this mixture doesn't touch the leaves.

The best temperature is in between 70 and 80 degrees during day, and over 60 during nights. If you are buying the plant, check the roots first. Healthy roots should be silver-green with green tops. If they are brown, the plant was probably over-watered, and if they are hard and brittle, under-watered. The plant may be saved if you trim those squishy roots and re-pot the phal, but the one with brittle roots might not be saved.

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