For Good Tooth Fillings Howell Is Worth A Visit

By Henry Evans

Tooth fillings are also called dental restorations or dental fillings. They are dental restorative materials utilized to restore the integrity, function, and morphology of missing teeth structures, which may be caused by caries or trauma to the mouth. Loss of tooth structure may also be done intentionally during preparation. When one is looking for a specialist in tooth fillings Howell should be given priority.

The restoration process involves two steps. The first step involves preparing the tooth for the restorative material to be placed, while the second process involves placing the restorative materials. During the preparation process, special dental burrs are used to cut the tooth so as to make the space needed to place the restorative material. This process also involves removing dental decay or portions of teeth that are considered unsound.

Some cases make it hard to achieve permanent restorations immediately after tooth preparation. The dentist will therefore settle for temporary restoration instead of permanent restoration, which can then be undertaken later. Restorative materials are usually many and diverse. Some examples include glass ionomer cement, amalgam, dental composites, porcelain, and gold.

Extracoronal and intracoronal preparataions are the only types of preparations in existence. In an intracoronal preparation, restorative material is intended to be held within the crowns of the teeth. Amalgam, porcelain, and gold and all the preparations they come with fall under intracoronal preparation. Extracoronal preparations serve as the base for the placement of restorative material to restore beauty and functionality of teeth. Onlays, crowns, and veneers are all examples of extracoronal preparations.

A number of factors need to be considered by the doctor when they are undertaking teeth preparation. The factors that need to be considered dictate the type of preparation suitable in that situation and also determine the extent to which the preparation may be performed. One of the factors considered is decay. Decay determines restorative material to use, restorative method, and extent of preparation.

Restorations are classified into direct and indirect restorations. In direct restorations, a soft or malleable filling needs to be placed in prepared tooth and then it is built before it can cool and harden. The advantage of this method is that it can be done in a single procedure and the setting of the restoration is fast. In case where filling are larger, indirect restorations are the best option.

In indirect restoration, the restorative materials or devices are prefabricated outside the mouth before being installed into the prepared tooth. The prefabrication of the restorations is done using dental impressions of the prepared teeth. Some common examples of indirect restorations are crowns, bridges, onlays, veneers, and inlays. Dental cement is then used to bond the finished restorations into the mouth permanently. One needs to make two separate visits to get the procedure done.

Several advantages and disadvantages are associated with the various materials utilized as fillings. For instance, fillings made from amalgam are so strong that they allow one to chew without trouble. These fillings also have less sensitivity to moisture when being filled and they cost less. However, their different color from that of natural teeth makes them a bit awkward. Over time, they also tarnish or corrode.

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