Importance Of Swallow Study For Dysphagia

By Michelle Wright

In case, you experience discomforts such as pain when chewing and swallowing food, you could be suffering from dysphagia. Victims of dysphagia, experience challenges when swallowing owing to discomforts experienced. Coughing is a common symptom associated with this type of problem. Coughing is mainly experienced after swallowing process. Swallow Study for Dysphagia is important in coming up with clear information, which will be highly helpful during treatment process.

After eating or even drinking, patients suffering from dysphagia produce sound, which sounds abnormally. Victims of this ailment, tend to apply extra force when swallowing. This makes them feel uncomfortable when chewing and swallowing food. Other common symptoms of this ailment are; weight loss, food leaking from mouth and also recurring pneumonia.

There is plethora of problems experienced by people suffering from this kind of an ailment. The challenges come as a result of consequences of ailment. Culprits become weak owing to poor nutrition and dehydration. Chances of victim suffering from chronic lung ailments and pneumonia are increased. Victims do not enjoy eating owing to difficulties experienced. They find it very embarrassing to eat in social situations.

Conducting a test before treatment of dysphagia is essential. It helps medics determine real cause of problem. From examination, medics make a sound mind decision on whether the challenge is originating from organs such as the throat, mouth or oesophagus. From the information acquired, treatment process become more effective and chances of complications like pneumonia arising after treatment are reduced drastically.

Tests help doctors know the period a given person has been suffering from ailment. This information will not only help health practitioners come up with most efficient techniques to handle ailment successfully, but also it creates enough time for preparation purposes. Tests are essential in enabling medics investigate progress of patient. From results obtained on carrying out a given test, doctors are able to know types of food causing problems to patient.

Results acquired from test will define specialist you are likely to be referred to. This means examinations ought to be performed accurately in order to get correct information. An ENT specialist will be helpful to you in case problem arises from either the nose, throat or from years. Neurologist is a specialist who will serve you better in case, brain or neurons are the origin of problem. You will be referred to gastroenterologist to tackle challenges associated with stomach. Problems will be best solved by a geriatrician in case old age is cause of challenge.

Some specialists tend to use, water swallow test to investigate origin of an ailment. For this case, patient is allowed to swallow water. This creates a good opportunity for medics to find out main cause of problem. Videofluoroscopy is another method commonly used. Video is recorder with the help of X-ray machine as patient swallows.

Nasoendoscopy is an examination procedure in which upper airways and the nose are examined. Endoscope is a kind of tube used during examination process. Manometry is a kind of examination procedure, that enables medics determine whether your oesophagus is working correctly or not. Other examinations which may be conducted include; 24-hour pH study and diagnostic gastroscopy.

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