Four Critical Considerations When Buying Fireplace Tiles

By Bob Schultz

There are a ton of home improvement projects that are well-known for their high costs and slowness to complete. Fortunately installing new fireplace tiles doesn't belong in this group. Actually it's a project that typically doesn't take long to finish and can be completed even on a tight budget. Since you'll only need a handful of tiles in total you will be able to get a huge value with a minimal amount spent. And these are the most important 4 things you'll need to consider when thinking about using them.

The majority of house owners don't know it but there are various tile layouts to choose from that can make your fireplace the center of attention. Without a doubt the most used pattern is what's called the straight lay. Because you only have to set the tiles so that they form straight rows it can often be used by those who want to do the job themselves. The brick pattern is another esteemed choice that like its name suggests will give an appearance just like a brick wall. If you happen to prefer something more complicated you might want consider adding your fireplace tiles using the herringbone pattern.

Tiles for fireplace use are available in a host of materials. Marble is a great choice for anyone who is looking for opulence. Slate fireplace tiles are often employed by those wanting a rustic looking space. Granite is an extra strong and attractive stone that is also heat-resistant. And of course porcelain is often chosen because it is budget-friendly and can be made to look like natural stone.

Different shapes of tiles can give you different results. Most people are satisfied with the looks offered by the square variety which are the most commonly used as both surround and fireplace hearth tiles. However, rectangular ones known as subway tile can be very attractive too. And for something a little different don't overlook circular options either.

When picking the size of your fireplace tiles really anything goes. The bigger you buy, the fewer you will have to use and the less grout lines there will be. Alternatively if you like the look of smaller options you may want to consider mosaic tiles. These have a mesh backing for easy installation and come in just about any pattern you could possibly desire.

As you can see the pattern, size, shape, and material you choose can have a big influence on your project. Whether you are looking for decorative fireplace tiles or something more plain be sure to take all four of these characteristics into consideration before purchasing to help you guarantee success.

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