To Find Good Remedies For Tooth Pain Houston Is Worth Visiting

By Lisa Stevens

Tooth pain also goes by two other names, that is, dental pain and toothache. Toothache is the pain one feels in their teeth or supporting structures. The aching may be caused by dental diseases or referred pain emanating from other diseases that are not related to teeth. Most people have toothaches at some point in their lives. When in need of treatment for tooth pain Houston is the best location to check out.

Causes for toothaches can be classified into two main categories, that is, dental and non-dental conditions. Dental conditions are those causes that are related to teeth. Usually they involve periodontium or dentin-pulp complex. Examples of non-dental causes are angina pectoris and maxillary sinusitis. There are several other non-dental causes that cause toothaches. However, most of the causes are usually dental in origin.

It can be challenging to diagnose toothaches. This is because there are very many causes and the pain can vary a lot in characteristics. Pains are also referred from and to the teeth. Toothaches simulate almost all kinds of facial pain syndrome. Common dental causes should be checked out first before delving into non-dental sourses.

The diagnosis follows a special order of events, starting with history, examination, and finishing with investigations. The history is usually provided by the patient to a dentist who takes notes. The examination is usually physical and may involve the use of various medical equipment and tools. Investigation comes last before drawing final conclusions. Information collected from each stage is put together to build a clinical picture.

The main complaint and the time of its onset are key to diagnosis. The patient is required to give a description of the pains and a time-line of their occurrence. Major stimuli should also be noted in addition to the description and onset. Stimuli of different kinds have different effects on the aching. Some examples of stimuli include cold, sleep, biting, heat, and chewing. Only a specific tooth will hurt if the cause is dental. Otherwise, multiple teeth may hurt.

If the ache is resulting from non-dental factors, it will usually have an epicenter located beneath or above the jaws. Determining non-dental causes can be quite difficult sometimes since they also mimic toothaches. This has often made dentists to carry out dental treatment such as tooth extraction, fillings, and root canal treatments. Dentists do these at the expense of the real diagnosis. Dental and non-dental sourses can often be differentiated based on the characteristics of the ache.

Prevention is a better way of avoiding toothaches. Since this problem is often caused by plaque-related diseases such as periodontal disease and tooth decay, most cases can be avoided. Avoidance involves maintaining good oral health and avoiding cariogenic diet. Good oral hygiene can be achieved by brushing teeth two times in a day using fluoride toothpaste. Flossing is also necessary.

One should also visit a dentist on a regular basis. Regular dental checkups help in detecting problems sooner before toothaches begin. If one is involved in contact sports, they should use mouthguards routinely to avoid trauma to teeth.

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