How Safe Is Your Booster Seat? Find Out

By Peter Martin

Being a parent is a lot of responsibility, and one of the responsibilities that are most important is making sure that your child is safe. That being the case, getting a booster seat can be an overwhelming task because you need to find one that is safe. Though most of them claim they are secure, you need to know that without proper installation and right usage then your child is not safe.

All booster seats need to be tested and approved by the government, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The said government body ensures all the necessary tests are carried out, and the chair is compliant.

Most people wonder how they can know of a seat that has passed this test, if it is being sold in the market, then it means it has passed. However, it is sad to know that the results of these tests are not made public. Thus, you cannot tell which company sales the safest product. On the other hand, know that the test is designed to replicate a collision that comes from the front and not side impact.

In the circumstances, the one wonders why the test certificates confirm safety from all directions. The fact that the government does not emphasize on the side impact does not mean that there is total negligence. The companies themselves carry out the tests to ensure they do not loose clients on the account of not being sure of the safety of the seats. Therefore they provide the certificates are correct and guarantee the safety of your child.

Another company like the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety gives you added information about the Best Bet Booster which is mounted on the box. This company is a research company which is non-profitable and which tries to prevent or minimize injuries which are caused by vehicle crush. This company has taken the responsibility of testing the seats upon themselves to ensure safety.

The test done by this company is based on the safety belt and if it is, a good fit. Vehicles and the safety belts are created for adults and not children. However, the booster is supposed to put your baby up in a position where they can use the belt. Thus, rather than deal with the booster chair making company, they concentrate on the vehicle manufacturer and the safety belt. Thus, the Best Fit us used to seat and shoulder belt have been well installed.

When getting the support, make sure that you have correctly installed it; this might take time but remember that you will be ensuring the safety of your child. On the other hand, if you do not do this, then you might end up with a child that is injured in case you get involved in a crash.

The information given is to ensure the safety of your child. You will now know what you need to do in case you want to ensure safe traveling with your baby. Getting the correct seat and having proper installation is the best move towards according your child safety on the road.

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