Things To Know Before Visiting A Korean Day Spa In Sunnyvale CA

By Jennifer Q. Elizondo

Everybody loves to be pampered every once in a while. You might decide to take a day off and just stay home doing nothing. You may also choose to take an even more relaxing option, like going to a Korean spa In Sunnyvale CA. This will leave you feeling calm, and your skin will be healthier and even more radiant.

Most major cities have at least one of these spas, tucked away somewhere. You can visit them to get a massage, get a full body scrub, or to spend time in their hot rooms. Originally, these places were owned by people of oriental descent. Currently, you might even find one owned by an American but with Korean employees.

One thing these places are known for is nudity. You can first inquire from the management, but in most cases, you will find that you need to be naked in order to get the services. This will mean taking a deep breath, and stripping of all your clothes. They will provide you with towel, but it will be the size of a hand towel, and therefore, cannot be used to cover up.

You do not need to worry about looking pretty while here. Apart from being naked, you will require to wash off the makeup and hair product you used. You hair will then be enclosed in a shower cap. This process is very important so as not to contaminate the water, especially in the communal bath areas.

Generally, this is supposed to be a way to relax. In case you have gone alone and cannot stay for long hours doing nothing, you should consider carrying a good book. This is normally the perfect thing to do as friends, because you will have time to just relax and catch up. The quite serene atmosphere will calm you down, and you might even start feeling sleepy.

Sometimes, when you are going for a spa day you are advised not to eat anything heavy, before and after the process. At a Korean spa, this might be difficult especially, if there is a food court on the premises. As long as you are not going in for a massage or anything that requires you to lie down, you can eat some of the tasty foods that they will be serving.

Some of the spas only operate during the day, but you might find others which run twenty four seven. In order to make sure you get value for your money, as about the criteria they use to charge. This will either be per hour, or even per session. Going as a large group, will allow you to ask for discounts. You should have the cash or credit card on hand, to pay before you start.

In case you are hesitant to go for this experience, you can talk to other people who have been going for these sessions. This way, you will know what to expect and they can even give you pointers on where to go. When you use references, you are sure you are going to a good place.

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