Talking About Literacy Volunteering Opportunities

By Margaret Schmidt

Give yourself up to those who need you. There are people out there who are not as lucky as a lot of people. They were those who have not had the chance to get an education at a young age. They actually are illiterate, not having the simple ability to read or write because they were unfortunate enough to have not having the opportunity to do so. And because of that, it is up to volunteers to step up and do Literacy Volunteering Opportunities In Eastside Detroit.

Mostly we get to see children get taught how to read for free. While it is actually not rare to see adults getting taught, it is mostly children because those are easier to teach, their brains are still young and are malleable, making it in our favor when it came to teaching. Kids have this ability to stock up knowledge, unlike adults whose brains are already old.

Be a hero and lend a hand. Expect all kinds of students that you will get when you take up the mantle as a teacher though. While it is likely not impossible to get adult students, the majority would still be children. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing. Children have brains that are adaptable to learning.

That does not say equally for all adults. There are just a lot of them out there that are extremely stubborn. That is normal since we are humans. Unfortunately for the teachers, it makes their jobs hard. Nonetheless, it would still be the fault of the teachers if the student is not doing well.

Adults are another story. They can brag about having a lot more patience unlike the children, but they cannot get rid of the fact that they will have a harder time. This is due to their brains being older and being very difficult to adapt to new things. This is equal to a standard American man trying to learn a different language.

Despite that, it should not hinder or discourage one who aspires to be a teacher. If a student learns nothing, it is not because they are stupid. No one is ever stupid, just lazy. But in turn, the fault should be blamed towards the teacher because it was their sole job to teach. This puts a lot of pressure on their shoulders though.

This is why adults are harder to be taught because they would have a hard time adapting. This mostly is why they likely are harder to teach in reading, as silly as it seems. You would think that since they are older and could understand better than kids that they are the easiest to teach. That actually is not the case most of the time.

Now imagine them trying to write. Assuming reading was up there first and they have achieved that. While that makes it easier for them to learn writing, their fingers are still not likely adept in movements that require to write. It literally is the same as if a human suddenly grew a tail. You cannot expect him to start moving it around expertly.

It could be frustrating for the teachers. It actually is ALWAYS frustrating. At times they get mad even though should not but they just simply could not help it.

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