For Commercial Sod Installation Minnesota Offers The Best Place To Consider

By Janet Allen

This is the covering of bare ground with a layer of turf which is a combination of grass, a thin layer of soil and roots. This installation is used in fields that need ground cover either immediately or temporarily. Sod is mostly used in areas where the ground cover has dried up and is likely not to grow again. It is effective in controlling soil erosion and floods. To find companies that specialize in Commercial Sod Installation Minnesota deserves prioritization.

It is very important to follow instructions about how to install sod properly to avoid the dangers accompanied due to bad installation. This also allows successfully installation. Installing the turf properly enables it to do well and adapt to the conditions in the environment present. If the turf was installed badly, the sod will dry significantly.

It is necessary to take samples of soils for testing. This should be done before none of the steps has been taken to install the sod. The PH of the soil should be detected as some soils are acidic while others are alkaline in nature. Soils which are slightly acidic are best for the growth of turf. Good aeration in soils also supports turf growth for a very long period of time.

Measuring the area where the sod is to be laid is the next step. Measuring can help reduce the chances of ordering excess turf from manufactures and it has economic advantages to the landowner. Sod should be ordered at least 4-6% more than the actual size of the field to be covered. The extra sod is to act as back up in case damages occur when installing.

Organic fertilizer is very important in the establishment of the turf during the process. This is because manure releases the required nutrients to turf so that they develop faster and become greener. The manure is mixed with the soil properly before the placement of turf on the ground. Though manure is important to plants, its application should be regulated as excess application can scorch the sod.

After the application of manure is done what follows next is leveling. The process of leveling the ground guarantees the laying of the turf on a flat base making it so appealing. Several methods are used when leveling. This includes them use of a rake that is mostly used by people as it is cheap to purchase. Manually spreading can also be used if it is done properly.

Turf placement comes after the leveling. The turf is unrolled carefully while it is placed on the ground in order to avoid any damages. The unrolled turf is laid on the field. The throwing of turf in different manners should be discouraged as it can destroy the root system of the sod. In case of the need to change ones position it advisable to carry the turf than to grad it as it might be spoiled in the process.

After correct installation is done, seams which appear between the turfs may be filled. The filling is done by cutting the sods into required shapes and sizes that can fill the gap. Finally the sods should be watered hence the final procedure of installing the sod. Water is essential for the growth of sods.

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