What You Should Consider When Selecting Baby Urns

By Shirley Murray

In the recent past, more and more persons are starting to consider cremation as the best way to take care of deceased loved ones. The reason for this is the fact that burial has become costlier. When a person has been cremated, the family has to decide what will happen with the ashes. There are those that sprinkle the ashes in places that are dear to them. Baby urns will be used when parents want to have memories of their child.

You should be in a position to choose the best urn for your child. There are thousands of companies offering the services. If more than a member of a family wants to keep the ashes, they will have to use smaller ones. There are the keepsake urns that allow only a small amount of ashes of the deceased to be stored. This however averts the issue of who among the family members was supposed to keep the ashes.

There are couples who wish to be together even after death. They will need to make use of the companion urn. It has two compartments that are able to hold ashes for two people. There are however those with just a solitary compartment which means ashes of the couple can only be stored together. Infant urns are designed to hold ashes of a deceased baby. These can be tastefully designed such that they incorporate items and interests the child was interested while he or she was alive.

Such urns can also be inscribed with the name, date of birth, age and any special message the parents may wish to be displayed. As a long-lasting tribute, there are manufacturers who incorporate the photo of the child. This is always so that there is a long-lasting memory of the deceased. The actual design specifications however depend on preferences of parents or guardians.

Online websites offer a wider range of urns, some being small and others mini versions. This affords parents greater saving as compared to what they would save by using options provided by funeral homes. In some cases, you can save as much as 50 percent. When you shop online, it accords you some privacy, something that is good for people who do not want publicity that the purchase might come with.

You should be able to choose the right size of urn for obvious reasons. In normal circumstances, ashes take cubic inches. There is an indication of the amount of ashes that can be taken by the urn. One pound of body weight produces approximately one inch of ashes after being cremated. This is so because while shopping, you get descriptions provided of the capacity the urn can provide in cubic inches.

When you want to choose the right baby urn, second opinions will be important. As much as possible, you should ask a family member or friend to give their opinion of your choice. In most cases they will agree with your choice but this does not make the second opinion less important.

It will be helpful to consider a number of service providers. You can check the services they offer and their charges. You will then be able to make the right decision on what to go for.

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