Best Known Effects Of Tree Planting

By Carl Taylor

Every one of us knows that we have a limited life span here on this world and our future generation would be the ones who will inherit it. Whether we want to be remembered or not depends entirely on the person, yet the fact remains that what we do now to our earth will either make it sustainable or not for our children to live in the future. This is perhaps one of the missions and visions of a tree fresno organization set up in Los Angeles that had remarkably transformed a barren area into a paradise.

Imagine someone who, despite incapable of speaking like we do, is capable of giving much without asking in return. Because of them, we have what we call as biodiversity and it is this scenario that we have what we call the circle of life. Without them, life as we know it would not be probably possible since they are the ones who give an oxygen rich atmosphere.

The best thing we can probably do for them is to help in their propagation, which is possible by doing it alone or with a group. You can even do this in your piece of land or at a nearby vicinity. Some major cities in the world have started allocating large parcels of land in the middle of the urban area to create a mini forest for people to get in touch with mother nature and relax in a short while.

More than anything else, these multi cellular organisms provide enormous benefits to other wildlife by giving shelter and food to them. The best sign of a good ecosystem in an area is the abundance of animals living there. So, it is fitting enough to give tribute to our mother nature by planting more trees.

As we exist not for exploiting what mother earth has given us, we have the task of taking care of it and using the resources according to our own means. The trees are the lungs of the planet, and just any normal person, we need to take care of our own so that we may live. While it cannot utter a single word, we must be sensitive that it needs our help also.

These often times green colored leafy organisms are the powerful carbon dioxide absorbers as they needed it to process food, and they release oxygen on which we breathe. If we do not plant enough of them, it would be breathing then with a noose in the neck. If we do not act now, this could tighten and we might not be able to gulp air anymore.

Landslides are a common occurrence in a steeply inclined hill or a mountain, and the presence of trees would not make it possible because the roots act as an anchor by holding the soil. Moreover, much of the cascading water from rain would be trapped into their roots, so we can heave a sigh of relief whenever we heard a loud crack of thunder signaling rain is coming.

It may take up much of your time and might be considered a waste of effort, yet planting is the one thing you can give back to our planet. By doing so, you are ensuring a generation of people who can still appreciate the beauty and usefulness of nature around them. This activity can have long lasting effects on the environment and it is important that it should be continued.

The earth is our ally to keep us alive and kicking, therefore it is our moral obligation to give something in return. You can do this during your free time or may do so with your group of friends. What you will do today is for a good life for all generations to come.

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