Learning To Care For Exotic Indoor Houseplants

By James Thomas

Live plants and greenery add life and beauty to any home. The type chosen adds a sense of style, color, and exotic flair to the environment. Exotic indoor houseplants can produce amazing results when cared for properly. It is important to know where they will be placed since some crave a lot of light and humidity while others crave a dark environment or dry, arid climate.

Sago Palms enjoy extreme popularity. They grow very slowly and develop a thick base. The leaves may seem tough, but they are damaged easily. Water sparingly as these prefer a dryer soil because they grow in desert climates. They are also used to very bright environments, so plenty of light is needed. They will not need to be re-potted for years.

ZZ Plants are a great addition to the environment. Too much water can kill this plant. So, for those that are forgetful, these can go a while without being watered and are very forgiving if you forget. It is best to use less water than too much for this plant. They do like low light environments so you can set them pretty much anywhere in an apartment or home.

Zebra Plants have beautifully striped green and white leaves. They also produce striking yellow flowers for several weeks in the fall. Do not place in direct sunlight, but a bright area is best. They grow in a rain forest so they're used to plenty of water and high humidity. Though they are used to a lot of water, be sure to have drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

Using the Elephant's ear can enhance the environment. The reason for its common name is based on the shape of the dark green leaf that is shaped like an arrow or elephant's ear. It is also a dark green and silver veined leaf. These particular plants love humidity. The best way to provide this is to mist them daily. The soil should be allowed to nearly dry out in the winter time. Root rot is a problem with these when there is too much water.

The Crab Cactus is a nice option for low maintenance. This particular plant is a tropical cactus and desires a higher level of humidity than their desert cousins. The fall will bring beautiful multi-colored flowers. After the flowers are done, reduce the amount of water until the spring when new growth will appear. The soil should be moist but not wet.

Another name for Ponytail Palms is the Elephant Foot. The base is a bulby foot that is very woody in nature. They are native desert dwellers and can go without water for weeks at a time. There is no need for added humidity since they are used to the dry air. This is a great plant for those with no time or experience in growing a plant at home.

Adding plants to the home is a great way to help purify the air and liven the place up. Many people fear caring for a plant because they do not know how much to water it. Some exotic plants require quite a bit of knowledge and care, but there are many that are low maintenance and very forgiving to forgetfulness. Desert palms are the best for those that want to try their hand but worry about not getting it just right.

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