The Facts About Acupuncture Palo Alto

By Pamela Brown

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for centuries to help heal a monumental amount of ailments. It often uses techniques that traditional western medicine just does not use, such as the drinking of teas and herbal tinctures for wellness. Another aspect that is not familiar to western practitioners is acupuncture. If you live in California, you can visit an acupuncture Palo Alto practitioner to see what it is about and see if it is right for you.

Traditional Chinese medicine frequently uses needles, and they are placed in very specific places to ensure that they provide you with relief. There is no blood, and if done properly, you may feel an initial stinging sensation that soon goes away. The placement of each one largely depends on what kind of relief you are seeking.

People come to a practitioner for a wide variety of reasons, but the most common by far is to treat pain. This pain can be from a variety of reasons, such as a sports injury, work accident or even a car wreck. Depression and fatigue are two more conditions for which people come calling as well. Acupuncture has also been known to help with insomnia, menopause and even some weight loss.

You can rest assured that all needles used are hygienic. They are either single use models that are thrown away as soon as the session is over, or highly sterilized ones that are still very safe for use by your highly trained practitioner.

Before insertion, the area of the skin where the needle will be put is swabbed with a sterile cleanser to ensure the utmost in safety. Most practitioners use a plastic tube of some sort to help guide the needle as they pierce it through your skin. They make be spun or flicked other otherwise manipulated to make sure they are sitting just right for the optimum relief.

In some cases, the person doing the needling will go a step further and stimulate your by using a practice called electroacupuncture. This sends electric pulses through the each needle to take your treatment to the next level.

Of course, the success of this type of session largely depends on how you react to needles. Some people are unfazed by them, while others are very afraid and cannot fathom the thought of having several on their body at the same time. In this case, you can still enjoy a similar practice such as acupressure, which uses pressure instead of needles to give you pain relief.

Some people only try acupuncture as their lone source of Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, if you want real, lasting relief, you may want to pair a session with another practitioner who can help you with such things a dietary or lifestyle changes that can go a long way towards help you feel better in the long term. They may also assign certain exercises or stretches to keep your muscles going strong.

Make sure your acupuncturist is trained and licensed to do this type of work. Since these needles will be piercing your skin, you do not want just anyone doing it for you. Look for testimonials, then sign up for a session today.

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