The Cost Of Terrazzo Floor Design Miami FL

By Ruth Ross

For a floor plan that is incomparable, and attractive to look at, it's difficult to look beyond decorative concrete coatings. These kinds of flooring provide the feel of natural stones but happen to be far more economical and practical. It does not matter the kind of plans you have or what you intend to create, there is customized Terrazzo Floor Design Miami FL out there that will fit your requirements.

Terrazzo has been around in one form or another since ancient times. Flooring found in neolithic Asia from as far back as 9,000 BC were called terrazzo because of their use of lime and red clay. They were combined and polished much like strips is today. While strips has certainly come a long way since those days, it still holds the same appeal. It offers a unique, beautiful, and cost-effective option.

Adding up the costs- Once you have decided that you would like to use strips in your home or business, it is important to consider all of the costs. Depending on the staining, design, and area size you wish to cover, your costs will vary.

Once the chips are in place, they will take trowels and other tools to make the surface as smooth as possible. The smoothing that is done now does not have to be exact. The goal at this point is to ensure that the marble and stone chips are firmly in place before the concrete has set.

Tile option - If having your flooring poured seems like a little more than your pocketbook can handle, there are strips tiles available. The tiles usually range from $6 to $20 a square foot and offer a broad range that can match any of your coloring needs. Once you have selected your tiles if you want them professionally installed you will need to add a bit more to the cost. In the end, you can expect to pay anywhere from $12 to $30 a square foot which actually sounds like a bargain!

The most eco-friendly option for your strips flooring is to have it cleaned and polished professionally. This has a few different benefits. Even if you do decide to use a commercial cleaner, many times it just doesn't do too much for your strips floor. It may still appear dull or yellowed.

Cleaning and polishing will brighten your strips flooring making it look fresh and new. The best part? It is absolutely eco-friendly. Polishing strips requires no chemicals. A contractor will come in with specialized machinery that will strip a very thin layer off the top of your terrazzo flooring, exposing a fresh layer that will be much brighter and lively.

There is no design too tough to tackle. Let your imagination soar and come up with your own artistic vision. Speak with your contractor about your ideas and find out just how much can be done. The sky is the limit, and with terrazzo nothing is impossible. Create the floor of your dreams and then show it off!

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