Planning And Installing An Automated Yard Irrigation System

By Rebecca Hall

Most people look at the task of building a lawn irrigation system with dread. The dread that they feel can often lead them to call in the professionals for a job they could well do themselves. Installing a lawn irrigation system is quite a bit of serious work, but it's straightforward enough that anyone handy about the house could complete the job themselves and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Let us look at how it is done with a drip yard irrigation system.

The factor, other than pressure calculations that should determine the number of taps is the type of plants that make up the garden. The first rule of water conserving gardening is to estimate the annual water consumption of the different plant groups. The second rule is to plant these groups separately so that thirsty plants like annuals or citrus trees are not next to drought-resistant plants. The third rule, obviously, is to install a separate watering line for each plant group, so that an independent watering regime can be applied to each one.

Not sure if a lawn watering system is worth the investment? Then consider these benefits of having one installed. Your lawn will always look great, from the beginning of the season and beyond. No more need to hide your head in shame when you see your neighbor's great looking lawn.

Many of the watering controllers available to the private garden market consider this, by having three programs that allow for three separate watering schedules. Effectively, this provides for one schedule for the lawns, one for trees and shrubs, and another for flowers.

When you place piping within the ground, you bring water directly to the roots of the plants, and there is no water at all lost to evaporation. It makes for the best kind of use of your water. No one will oversee you watering your lawn; they'll just to see how beautiful the results are. You do have to put in a little extra work, in the beginning, to bury all the pipes though.

A lawn watering system increases your home's value. Having the right system will result in noise reduction, dust control and carbon sequestration. (A natural or artificial process by which free-flowing carbon is captured and held, thus helping the environment.)

High temps, strong winds and low humidity that go with long dry spells can cause these symptoms. Water your lawn when these signs show up. Waiting longer could cause damage that could never be relieved. Early morning is the most preferred time to water your lawn. Winds usually are calm so less water evaporates, and then the foliage dries off through the day.

With the lawn irrigation system targeting the roots of a lawn and decreasing run-off, a homeowner is also helping their surrounding environment. A homeowner develops a personal relationship with their lawn and knowing the slope, the soil, and the needs of your lawn is a first step to having a beautiful lawn all summer long. A healthy lawn helps the air, the surrounding yards, and even supplies for the birds and other plants that accumulate around the home.

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