What You Need To Know About Aspiration Pneumonia Prevention

By Patricia Young

Generally, aspiration pneumonia is usually a complication of the pulmonary inhalation, where the pulmonary inhalation is when a person inhales saliva, food or stomach acid into the lungs. Also, food that travels back from the stomach to the esophagus may also be aspirated. Since all this carries bacteria that can affect the lungs, aspiration pneumonia prevention is essential. Although healthy lungs are able clear up the aspirated content, if the content is not cleared, pneumonia may develop.

Actually, pneumonia that results from aspirated contents will be likely when the body defense is damaged while the substances that have been aspirated have harmful bacteria. Most individuals will develop the condition is occasions when drinks as well as food particles get into a wrong pipe. Nevertheless, wrongful swallowing can as well occur during normal swallowing. This is however usually cleared up to prevent the pneumonic condition from developing except when coughing abilities that prevent clear up processes become damaged.

On the contrary, damages in coughing abilities are a consequence of different factors for instance medical conditions like myasthenia gravis and other conditions like neurologic disorders and throat cancer. Other causes of damages to coughing abilities are such as weakened immune systems, using alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs excessively, and using sedatives and anesthesia. Additional causes are for instance dental problems which usually interrupt normal swallowing and also when a person has esophageal disorders.

Some people also have predisposal factors to this condition. Such predisposition factors are such as stroke, seizure, damages to consciousness, dementia or lung diseases. Factors such as neurological diseases, impaired mental status, swallowing dysfunctions or dental problems are as well a cause. Additionally, heartburns, radiation therapies targeting the neck and head as well as gastro-esophageal reflux conditions are risk issues.

This kind of pneumonic can be diagnosed in a number of ways. To begin with, a physician checks for signs of pneumonic through physical assessments. The doctor can then pick out signs such as decreased airflows, rapid heart rate or even crackling lung-generated sounds. On the other hand, several tests may be run just to confirm the condition by the physician. These include sputum culture, bronchoscopy, chest x-ray, blood culture, CT scans to the chest and arterial blood gas.

The treatment of the aspirated pneumonic condition usually depend on how severe the condition is. Also, the duration and outcome of the treatment depends on hospital policies, preexisting conditions and the general health of the patient. If the condition is more severe, hospitalization may be necessary. Usually, doctors prescribe antibiotics for this condition.

However, aspirated pneumonia can be prevented. One way to prevent this condition is by avoiding behavior that may lead to aspiration like excessive drinking. Also, you should be careful if you are taking medications that causes drowsiness. On the other hand, proper dental care should be observed on regular basis.

There are also various complications that have been linked to the instances of aspirated pneumonia. These are for example lung abscess or the bronchiectasis which usually is a consequence of leaving this condition untreated. Pneumonic conditions will also give rise to acute respiratory distress.

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