People Who Can Benefit From New York NY Trauma And PTSD Counseling

By Steven Schmidt

There is a huge amount of fear that takes place in the battlefield and soldiers will feel this. Children who are abused will also feel the fear and this can be crippling. However, it is the feeling and the emotions that you experience after the ordeal that can be overwhelming. This is where New York NY trauma and PTSD counseling is useful and often necessary.

Post traumatic stress disorder involves feeling of depression, anxiety, possible panic attacks, anger, mood swings and feeling lonely and isolated. People often turn to alcohol and drugs because this is a type of an escape for them. It is obviously not healthy, and it can make the situation worse. This is why therapy is recommended.

When you have PTSD, you will find that this can take over your life. You won't be able to manage your emotions and it can interfere with your interactions at work as well as at home. People have a lot of anxiety, along with depression which are two of the most common symptoms. They will also have flashbacks which can be incredibly frightening.

Flashbacks can happen at any time. They appear to be so real as if you are watching a video. A veteran may feel as if they are back on the battlefield whenever they hear a loud noise. They may see a helicopter hover above and think that they have to run for cover. It can be a nightmare to live in this way.

A therapist in New York NY that specializes in trauma will help you to deal with these symptoms in the best way. They are able to teach you how to cope with the flashbacks in more of a practical way. This will vary from one person to the next. Some people will manage this by playing music and this is what calms them down. Others will get involved in meditation and yoga.

It is important for the individual to get help as soon as they recognize that there is a problem. Family members need to encourage this. For example, a veteran who returns back from the battlefield will have a lot to adjust to. They may have lost a friend in combat. They may be dealing with survivor's guilt. They will have to adapt to their old way of life. They may become negative and hopeless about this.

Secondary trauma is also something that more people are finding out about these days. This is where family members suffer after seeing how much their loved ones are struggling because of this disorder. This is the case in big natural disasters, such as with 9/11. There were people, such as firemen and police who also began to feel the pain of the people that they spoke to.

At the end of the day, everyone suffers, so friends and family members need to be supportive. If this not possible, group therapy is a must because it helps the individual to see that there are others who can help him or her when they are feeling hopeless. Sometimes this type of support is better because the person feels that they can identify more with someone else.

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